chapter 50

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Every year, it was to be expected that the first weekend back at Hogwarts would entail a party. All houses members were gathered in the Ravenclaw common room, the floor vibrating from how loud the muggle music played. A semblance of levity.

I arrived at the party with Luna who forthright appeared to be astray in her own mind as she glanced around the room.

I leaned into her side, having to yell over the music. "Looking for someone, my love?"

A blush crept up Luna's neck as she shook her head. "No. Just scoping out the party." She was a terrible liar, but even if she hadn't been, the look on her face gave it away. Eventually, her eyes stopped roaming when they fell upon Blaise Zabini.

"Zabini, huh. You still like him."

Luna snapped her eyes towards me, her face glowing red. "No-why would you say that?"

"Oh, come on. I can see it all over you, love." I nudged her softly, grinning. "Let's go talk to him."

Growing shy as ever, Luna sputtered protests as I dragged her along with me. Blaise was standing with Pansy who poured the two of them drinks.

"Bubba!" With a bottle of muggle vodka still in her hands, Pansy flung her arms around me. In the manner she nearly toppled the both of us over, I knew she already had plenty to drink.

"Hey." Blaise nodded acknowledgements to both Luna and I but his eyes lingered on Luna for much longer. It was adorable-neither of them noticing the other one staring.

"Drinks?" Pansy looked between Luna and I as she grabbed more red plastic cups.

"I'll take the whole bottle."

I did. I took the bottle Pansy held out to me, starting chugging before anyone had the chance to speak. As much as I previously enjoyed the occasional drinking, ever since I was introduced to the world of narcotics, drinking now seemed all the more appealing. I arrived at the party sober and intended to be anything but throughout the night. It was unhealthy and a dangerous road to go down but as my use of pills increased, I continued growing more fond of being buzzed, intoxicated, anything but sober.

We numb our minds and heart,
so one need not be broken,
and the other need not be bothered.

"Slow down." Pansy looked at me with wide eyes but laughed. "We've got all night. What's the hurry?"

I didn't flinch as the burning liquor slid down my throat.

"Luna, shall I pour you a drink?" Shy, Blaise looked at Luna in question.

She smiled her adorably bashful smile as her hair fell, curtailing around her face. "A little, sure. Yes. Thank you."

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand as I watched Blaise pour another drink for Luna. Pansy and I shared similar looks, both of us patently sensing the tension between the pair. They couldn't keep their eyes off one other but both remained too shy to act boldly.

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