chapter 3

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The Muffliato Charm came in quite handy for parties. Late at night, everyone was gathered in the Gryffindor common room with the music blasting and loads of Firewhiskey and Muggle Vodka lying all around the room.

If there was one time where all the houses seemed to unite as one, it was during parties.

"You look dashing, radiant as always." Fred leaned down to kiss my cheek as he greeted me. He was already holding a Firewhiskey in one hand, half the bottle emptied.

"Be a good friend and share now, Freddie." I grinned as Fred handed me the bottle. I downed more than I should have, a burning sensation sliding down my throat.

George whistled. "You drink like a professional, my friend."

"Have you lot seen Cedric anywhere?" I glanced around the room, having yet to see Cedric since having been back at Hogwarts.

George and Fred both shook their heads. "Last I saw him he was dancing with Cho."

My eyes widened. "He's finally made a move on her, hasn't he?" I was beaming with delight.

George snickered as he took another swig of the Firewhiskey. "Merlin, it would be about time. He's been crushing on her since-what, second year?"

"Come along, Ambrose. It's time to get your dance shoes on." Fred took my hand and started dragging me to the middle of the common room that had become the dance floor. I grabbed a Firewhiskey off the table as he started pulling me, downing more of it as we entered the crowd.

Fred and I danced for what felt like hours. My feet were aching but I was having the time of my life. Hermione joined, later I had even found Pansy and we ground on each other as if we were sensual lovers. I adored that bond we shared.

While Pansy and I were caught up rubbing up against one other, the boys around us, including the twins were all hollering.

I laughed as my mind spun from the effects of the Firewhiskey.

Across the room, my gaze fell onto Draco Malfoy.

His eyes were trained on me as he stood, watching me with an expressionless face. If looks could kill, surely I'd be nothing but dust on the ground right now. He didn't look the least bit impressed-probably annoyed that I was spending my night with his friends.

It was clashing-I had my Gryffindor best friends. Ron, Hermione, Harry and I were tight-knit but I was closest to the twins. I was also very good friends with Luna Lovegood and Cedric Diggory. Cedric and the twins were just as good of friends.

Then came the Slytherins. I adored Pansy and we had a very close bond. Blaise and I were fairly good friends but we didn't talk as much-I noticed he was much shyer than expected but we were friendly with one other. Draco Malfoy did not like this. I'm sure he hated that a Gryffindor like me was liked by his closest friends.

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