chapter 28

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I stepped into the Great Hall. There were waffles for breakfast today-Pansy's favourite.


I spun around, watching as Draco approached me. He always had an arrogance in his step. It was as aggravating as it was charming. His confidence was infuriating yet, it made him all the more attractive.

I never thought there'd be a day I'd admit that I found Draco Malfoy attractive.

Not long ago, I would have laughed at the thought.

"Malfoy," I acknowledged. "Did you need something?"

Draco cocked his head to the side, shrugging softly. A soft grin played on his lips. "Do I have to need something to approach you?"

I scoffed faintly. "Well-yes."

Draco rolled his eyes. "Come on, Ambrose. Humour me. Join me for breakfast?"

My eyebrows raised in surprise. "You want me to have breakfast with you?" I couldn't help but laugh, although my heart fluttered lightly. "Is hell freezing over?"

Draco stared back at me, his eyes glinting. "It could very well be."

I hesitated.

Draco held out the palm of his hand. "Shall we? I hear the waffles are amazing."

I bit my lip, glancing over my shoulder. The Weasley's sat with Hermione at our usual table.

"Come on, Ambrose. Take my hand before-before we vanish into thin air completely."

I turned back to look at Draco. His eyes were lit with fascination, sheer intrigue.

I fought a smile as I placed my hand in his.

I shot up, pain pulsating though my back as I did so. I groaned, throbbing aches ringing through each bone in my body. I could feel my pulse in my fingertips-there was so much pain, all I could think was how appealing death seemed.

It was a dream. Nothing more than a dream.

Wincing, I turned to lie on my back. I was sick of the concrete-being trapped in a concrete box. My mind was deluding into delirium, I was thinking I could paint pictures on the wall with my own blood.

It would be better than endlessly staring at the concrete.

My own thoughts made my stomach churn.

"Up and at 'em, dearie!" Loud footsteps sounded as Samael came down the creaking stairs. Instantly, my heart thumped painfully against my chest.

I sat up, shrivelling back into the wall.

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