A Prosthetic Face

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                         Chapter 1

                        •SALS POV•

My dad and I decided we had to move, because he got a new job.

I really am gonna miss New Jersey but I guess it will be easier for the both of us ever since mom died.

Dad found a apartment complex in Nockfell called "Addison Apartments."

Already from the looks of it you can tell the place is old and probably infested with who knows what.

I wasn't gonna complain though since my dad seemed a little joyful to move and I didn't wanna ruin that for him.

We arrived and the building was pretty tall maybe about 4-5 floors.

You could see the paint start to chip from the outside and vines and such growing from the sides.

We headed up to our apartment room 402.

I settled down and place my boxes in my room it was pretty small but I could manage.

I went to check my dad's room as he was settling in as well.

"Hey sal how about you take a break and go introduce yourself to the other people in the building" Dad said

As much as I would not like to, because I would probably get stares I guess I had no choice.

"Yeah, sure dad" And I headed out the door.


My mom was telling me about how there were gonna be someone moving in next door to us today.

I never really thought anyone would move here mostly because of its looks and the background of it.

To be honest lots of people have died here and all the police do is cover it up.

Just last night Mrs. Sanderson who lives right next to us got murdered and from what I've seen the police have just been standing there for the whole day.

As much as I probably shouldn't care, that's a really bad first impression to whoever moved in next door.

We live in such a small town I guess it's expected for murders and such though.

"Hey y/n, how about you go introduce yourself to the new neighbor next door there's a boy there about the same age as you, maybe you could become friends as well" mom suggested

I thought about it and in all honesty I'm not a very social person but I guess since it's just our next door neighbor it wouldn't be so bad to just say hi "

"Yea sure , I'll be back later" And with that I got up from the couch and went out.

As soon as I closed the door behind me and turned around I was greeted with a boy..Or at least I think he is, he has blue hair and some type of mask on with very big blue eyes.

they were honestly more noticeable then the mask.

"Oh um hi sorry to startle you, I'm your new neighbor from next door I was just introducing myself" He said in a semi deeptone

As soon as he spoke I was sure he was a dude, not that I really had doubts but you never know.

"Oh hi! Nice to meet you I'm y/n"

"My names Sal, Sal fisher but my friends call me sally face"

He seemed like a very chill person I think he would get along pretty great with Larry the tall male that lives in the basement with his mom Lisa, we've been Friend's since I moved here a year ago.

"You seem pretty cool, nice mask by the way"

"It's a prosthetic, but thanks I don't get compliments like that a lot or actually I don't think I ever have"

"Really I'm kinda shocked I thought as cool as you look with it you would get all sorts of compliments"

The blue haired boys cheek's became a rosy pink, he may not know but I could see the slight color change through the eye holes.

"Wow thanks, that means a lot I use to live in New Jersey but I guess it's just some of the people there that weren't used to seeing a boy with a mask on his face all the time" He chuckled a little

"Wow New Jersey seems like a pretty cool place actually, But hey besides that if you want I could show you around, this place is pretty big" I gave him a slight smile

"Oh yeah sure that'd be great, thanks" His prosthetic raised a bit and I could tell he was smiling

With that me and him headed towards the elevator going down to the 3rd floor

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