Start from the beginning

"Yeah. Our company was going through a rough patch when Mr.Parkinson decided to help me. He generously invested in our company which was of great help at that time. And now, the company is doing good and making good profits. Therefore bringing us to today's meeting." Ashton said.

"One of our subsidiary was about to go bankrupt so I took over that company and remodeled it completely here in Seattle. But I'm still in need of some investors for this company. I would really like it if you would consider it."

This was the most that I had heard him say after our breakup five years ago. He still had that unique way of speaking that captured everyone's attention. The three men were going on and on about company's and investments. I had tuned out completely. I don't know what but something was very wrong with me.

I did not feel the urge to run away in the opposite direction from him. This day was starting to get weird.

"So, Mia what do you say about it. Will you consider this offer.?" Ashton was talking to me, snapping me out of my reverie.

"I wasn't paying attention. What did you say again.?" I asked, facing away from him. I didn't want to look at him.

"I asked would you mind joining this company as its CFO.?" He asked me again.

What the fuck was he talking about. How could he even ask me such a question. I'm never gonna work in the same building as him. And never in a million years under him. What was he even thinking asking me this. As if nothing ever happened.

"Ofcourse I would mind. I would never work with you. How could you even think about asking me that." I snapped.

"Mia, calm down. It was my suggestion. Not his. I suggested you would be perfect for this." My dad said from beside me.

"Its gonna be a good opportunity for you Mia. Why are you behaving this way. Am I missing something.?" Stephen asked.

"Nothing of importance. I think I'm gonna take your leave. I don't feel very good right now. I'm gonna head home now. Good day guys." I tried saying it as nicely as I could.

I got up and left the restaurant. I was almost in front of my car when someone grabbed my wrist from behind and turned me. And Ashton was standing in front of me, my wrist in his hand. His hold was surprisingly gentle.

"Mia, you can't just leave every damn time. Not everything is always about you. Get out of your shell and stop being a baby." Ashton mocked me.

"Yeah, I leave every damn time. But you left the only time you weren't supposed to leave. You were supposed to stand with me. But you did not. And I'm not being a baby, I stopped being a baby five years ago." I shouted at his face and he flinched slightly.

"Listen, this arrangement is gonna be strictly professional. I'm the CEO and you are gonna be the CFO. You've got talent and the whole package that comes with it. And its just a matter of six months. Then I'll be gone from Seattle. You won't have to see my face again. Just think about my offer, give it a consideration." He said, pleadingly.

"Leave my hand." I said, not knowing what else to say.

It was as if he realized just now that he was still holding my hand. He let go immediately as if I burned him. I looked at him a couple more seconds and just turned around and left.

I don't know why it was happening. After five years when, I don't want to see him again. Why does he keep barging in my life. Why did he have to show up after five long years. When everything was just fucking perfect, his presence was unwanted.

I did not sleep well that night. Next morning I got up late and totally skipped my run and yoga. I just had some breakfast and a huge cup of coffee and left for office.

At around 11, Stephen called me to his office. I knew I had disappointed Stephen and my dad yesterday, and all because of Ashton. I hated that bastard.

I hesitantly knocked on his door and peeked in.

"Hey Stephen. You wanted to see me.?" I walked in. He motioned for me to sit down.

"Yeah Mia. I wanted to talk to you about yesterday." He said and I internally groaned.

"What Garner offered you yesterday might be a good opportunity for you. Your pride does not let you work for your father's company. So why don't you grab this opportunity. You are stuck here being a PA. There you are gonna get a huge change, it's gonna be very beneficial gor your career." Stephen tried to persuade me.

"I respect you Stephen, I really do. But please dont try to coerce me into accepting the offer. Its not that I don't want to accept the offer. It's just something in the past that is not allowing me to go through with it." I tried to explain.

"Yeah, he is your ex. So what. We all go through this shit atleast once in a lifetime. But you cannot hold the grudge forever. Someday you have to let go. Why not now. Its been five years, right.?" He asked.

"Yeah. But ut still feels like yesterday. Nothing makes sense. I was happy here, finally with Trevor. Why did he have to come back. That too with this bullshit offer." I felt like crying, but I could not loose it in front of Stephen.

"Listen Mia, all I'm asking is to just give this a thought. Don't throw away an awesome opportunity because of something that happened in your past. Just think about it once." He said finally.

I took a deep breath. I needed more air in my lungs.

"Yeah. Okay I'll think about it." I replied.

"Now that's awesome. I think Trevor must be in his office by now. Go meet him." And just like that my mood took a whole twirl and I was excited to back now.

"I'll see you later Stephen. Bye." And I skipped back to my floor.

As soon as I was in his office, he grabbed me by my waist and pushed me against the wall, kissing me fervently. I looped my arms around his neck and pulled him flush against me.

"I missed you." He said against my lips.

"Its just been a couple of days. But I missed you too." I said, pulling away.

"You didn't tell me you were coming early." I asked him.

"Yeah. I wanted to surprise my girlfriend. But you didn't look too surprised." He said, kissing my cheeks.

"Yeah, because Stephen already told me you must be in your office." I replied.

"Now, why did dad have to tell you all this. He could have just let it be a surprise." He said, pouting.

And he looked a damn cute huge baby with pouty lips. I pressed my lips to his pouted ones.

"So much happened yesterday. I need to tell you all about it. That was the reason why Stephen wanted to see me in his office." I explained.

And I did, after we had kissed some more, and then some.


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