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In the last few days you haven't slept nearly as good as you did tonight. There were absolutely no interruptions and when you you felt someone trying to wake you up you clearly didn't want to leave your peaceful state.

At first the person only tapped your shoulder and that was easy to ignore. It then turned more into shaking from which you tried to escape by hiding under your covers. Whoever tried to wake you up was pulling at the end of your covers now, but you had no intentions of letting go. "Noo go away." you whined as you tried to not loose your grip on the blanket.

And you actually succeded. After that the other person seemingly gave up and left the room again. And just as you thought you could fall back asleep the blanket over your face was pulled away forcefully and you were met with the splash of cold water being poured down on your face.

Immediately you sat up and coughed out the water that went in your throat only to find Prosciutto standing next to you with a not so amused look on his face. The glass of water was still in his hand as he stared down at you with a disappointed look.

"You are even worse than Formaggio." he grumbled and ordered you to get up and ready for breakfast. As you then looked around the room you noticed that Risotto wasn't there anymore and once you looked on your clock you noticed why.

How did you manage to sleep that long? It really had been a while since you got some well deserved sleep. Wasting no time you changed your clothes and ran outside towards the bathroom. On your way there you met Formaggio whose face and hair was also wet and you now understood what Prosciutto meant earlier.

"Did Prosciutto also wake you up?" he asked to which you answered with a nod. The bathroom door then opened and the said blonde walked out of it with yet another glass of water and headed over to Melon's room. You wondered if that actually was a normal routine for them to be woken up by Prosciutto.

When you were done in the bathroom you sat down at the table to, Ghiaccio and Illuso. They both were mostly on their phones and only gave you a small greeting, not that you minded that though. Risotto then came from the kitchen with a coffee mug in his right hand and a plate with a croissant in the other.

"Food is in the kitchen." he told you and also sat down at the small table. Almost immediately everyone jumped out of their seats and ran inside the kitchen to get something to eat. Of course there was enough for everyone, but as you figured out almost everything in this house was a competition. 

While you tried to get the best looking croissant Prosciutto and Pesci were arguing whether Pesci can drink that glass of milk or not. You didn't understand why he shouldn't but seems like this wasn't the first time they talked about that.

Other than that the breakfast went just like every other normal one. That was until you got to the discussion what you can do today.

"We can stay here for another night, I talked to the manager yesterday." said Risotto so you looked for places you could visit that were in this area. There were many ideas, like an aquarium or a zoo, but in then Formaggio brought up another place.

"There's a lake nearby." he pointed out and showed his phone around for everyone to see the pictures of it. "So? If you want to see fish you can also go to the aquarium." mentioned Ghiaccio before Formaggio explained that you can go swim in the lake.

So after you checked out what else they offered there and where exactly it was located at everyone was ordered to pack up their stuff and get ready. You were suprised that they even had floating tires and some air matresses with them, really what didn't suprise you here?

As soon as everyone met up in front of the van you talked about who was going to drive and this time it was Ghiaccio's turn. Now I wouldn't say he was bad at driving, no that wasn't it. He simply screamed at everything outside. You really felt sorry for the two kids that weren't riding their bike on the pedestrian path and not bicycle path. It would've been another thing if the pedestrian path had been full, but the whole street was literally empty.

Road-Trip with La SquadraNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ