Go to a hostel they said, it would be fun they said

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"Are you kidding me Risotto?" Melone cried out after he got told that you will eat at the hostel. It was no secret that the food there wasn't always the best, but he was clearly exaggerating here. This day was exhausting enough so you would probably eat everything they will put on the table.

"No and if I hear one more word from you I'm going to let you starve for the rest of the day." Risotto was clearly tired after kayaking. This time it was Ghiaccio who was driving again so the white haired man sat in front of you now. He told you that he wanted to close his eyes for a moment, but it seemed like for Melone it wasn't made clear enough that he just wanted to sleep.

"How about we play a game to pass the time?" Pesci asked in order to lighten up the mood a bit. Most of you agreed to the idea so you started to gather some more. There were the usual ones and some that you already played before.

"I know a good one." Prosciutto suddenly said from the front seat. No one really expected him to join and this really caught everyones interest.

"We are going to play the quiet-game." he announcend. "The wha-" immediately Formaggio got interrupted by Prosciutto holding up his finger. "Sshh, the one who can stay quiet the longest wins." the blonde whispered and then turned his body back around to face the road with an almost content smile.

Those were probably the only four minutes it was completely silent in this car. Part of you expected someone to immediately shout something and end this game in only a few seconds, the more surprising it was that they actually played this game. But you have rejoiced too soon. Formaggio was the one that questioned the game first.

"Wait, so how long are we gonna do that?" he asked and with that he was out of the game. "I dunno man, but it's getting boring." Melone answered and after those two were out the whole being silent was thrown out of the window. The only person left that was actually trying to do this game was Pesci, he really tried his best there.

"We'll be there in two hours." Risotto said after a while, half of the group being happy to finally get out of this van again and the other half complaining it still took too long.

Once you finally reached your destination everyone was more than ready to just have a nice evening together. "Oh fuck." mumbled Formaggio as he stared outside with a panicked expression.

"What's the matter?" asked Illuso and leaned over him to take a better look at what Formaggio was looking at. He really was way too nosy for his own good. "Risotto, we have to find another place." Illuso joined Formaggio's side. Of course you should've expected a class from an elementary school to be here on a school trip, but you simply hoped that wouldn't be the case.

"We just send in Risotto and he will scare them away." Melone suggested, but immediately got turned down when the white haired man disagreed. As inconspicuous as possible you sneaked out the bags you needed and some of the other stuff you wanted to take inside with you, the rest had to stay in the van. While Risotto and Ghiaccio went to talk to the owner about some of the rules, the rest of the group was already allowed to go inside the room.

"We just have to walk up those stairs..." Prosciutto mumbled with a key to the room and a number on it in his hand while he tried to figure out where exactly you had to go, "Turn right, and here we are." he announced and stoopped in front the door with the same number.

Just as expected there were four bunk beds in the room, which still smelled badly like some cleaning products. "I think they hid a corpse in here and are now trying to cover up the smell." Formaggio coughed out and quickly walked over to the window to pull it open, only to find that you can't open it all the way, damn that child security.

"We are going to die in here." Melone joined the complaints and then threw his bag on one of the top beds. "I have smelled worse." Prosciutto mumbled and claimed a lower bed for him and the top one for Pesci.

Road-Trip with La SquadraWhere stories live. Discover now