Unwanted helper

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As you wandered mindlessly among the dark parking lot you thought it was actually quite nice to get a bit time for yourself. Of course it was fun with them, but Ghiaccio sleeptalking and still rambling some nonsense was really annoying. And let's not forget Prosciutto who was sitting next to you. Of course at first it was pretty nice to see that he let you use him as a pillow, but that man really needs to stop snoring in your ear.

The thing was that at first you kept on driving until everyone was so tired you decided to spent the night on a parking lot and not keep someone awake. You just didn't want to risk the driver falling asleep so around 1am you put a break to your trip.

So here you are, walking around the empty parking lot at 3am in the night since you just needed to get out of the car for a moment and get a bit of fresh air. There were only a few trucks and a little amount of other cars nearby, but other than that you were the only person that was seemingly awake. You actually wondered how no one inside your van noticed you leaving, or they did and just thought you would go on the toilet or something like that.

Even if you knew it probably wasn't the best idea to walk around alone you at least were careful enough to not walk near the forest on the side and stayed in the light. You wondered if you should go back now or stay a few more moments to catch some fresh air. To your right side you noticed a few stairs going down so you decided to just sit on the edge for another few minutes.

Sadly the sky was cloudy so you couldn't see any stars around, guess tonight isn't such a romantic night. After a while you started to feel tired again and decided to go back to the van and go back to sleep. But once you stood up you twisted your foot in an unfortunate way on the edge of the steps and fell down in the process. At least you didn't fall down the entire stairs, but only a few, however you clearly felt a few injuries.

Groaning a bit in pain you sat up again and saw your knee was bleeding from scraping across the floor, as well as your hands were all bloody. Great, Prosciutto will kill you if you step into his car like that. Facing that you had to wake someone up to help you get the first aid kit, you just asked yourself who would be the best choice. Carefully you stood up trying to not put too much weight on your ankle that still hurt a lot. It wasn't like you couldn't walk, it simply hurt when you moved it.

"Are you hurt?" asked a deep voice from the bottom of the stairs, which sounded strangely amused. "Only a bit, nothing to worry about." you told the person, you really did not want to talk to anyone right now, but you already heard hurrying footsteps run up to you.

"Don't worry, I'm a doctor." you heard the man say now right beside you. He had green hair as well as green eyes, you never would've thought yourself he was a doctor, judging by his appearence. The only thing were his white clothes that resembled a doctor coat, but not even that was really the case. Before you could say anything else he already had you sitting back down on the stairs his eyes already inspecting your knee.

"It really isn't that big of a deal." you told him, just wanting to get back in the van, that guy in front of you was really creeping you out and that smile on his lipstick painted lips wasn't helping at all. "I can stitch it up." he said mostly to himself and his right hand already began searching in the pocket of his jacket. The wound wasn't even deep, what did he want to stitch up there? For a moment you just let him search around his pocket, wondering what he was planning to do. Maybe if you acted nice you could go back earlier than starting a conversation with him.

Did that man just drop a scapel from his pocket?! "Oh whoops, I don't need that, yet." he chuckled and quickly picked the sharp item back up and inside the pocket.

"No, thank you really much, but I'll be going now." you tried to tell him kindly as you pushed yourself away from him. He however grabbed your hurt ankle and pulled you back in your original position, the pain he was causing you immobilizing you for a second. His other hand was still searching for something else. He stopped his movements for a short moment when he found what he was looking for and that scary smile got even wider, his teeth showing. He pulled out some sort of liquid in a small glass container, confusing you first and you wondered if that was just some disinfectant to clean your wound, but to your horror he then pulled out a syringe from his other pocket.

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