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You didn't even realized how tired you were from yesterday until you woke up again. It felt like you haven't even slept for one hour and judging by the silence in the car you weren't the only one. The only sound you really made out were Prosciutto and Risotto talking about something, probably the new plans for today.

Of course Melone was lying half on top of you again, hugging you tightly with both of his arms and when you turned to look at him you saw that he was still asleep. You thought maybe you could sleep for a few more minutes too, but of course this wasn't possible in this car.

"What are you doing?" whispered Ghiaccio to Illuso, the blue haired man just woke up himself and still sounded a bit weird. Curiousity took over you and once you looked at them you didn't know whether you should laugh or slam your head against the front seat.

Formaggio was sleeping against the window with his head slightly tilted back and his mouth was wide open. Seemed like Illuso thought it was funny to put those gummy bear things that look like snakes in his mouth. "Shh don't wake him up." Illuso whispered back, not even looking at Ghiaccio since he was too busy with the bag of the candy.

"That's so mean." you whispered to them to which you recieved a smirk from Illuso as he winked at you. "I bet you can put the whole bag in there." Melone said, seemed like he finally woke up too. But he still leaned back against you, not letting you leave his embrace.

All of the sudden the radio got turned up to full volume with some of Risotto's metal music, followed by the choking sounds of Formaggio who also woke up by this. You were almost certain that all the other cars could hear the music now, it was way too loud and it felt like your ear drums could burst any second."Aww come on couldn't you have waited for a few more minutes?" Illuso complained and threw the bag of candies against Pesci ignoring the glare he recieved from Prosciutto through the rear view mirror.

"We are staying in a hostel tonight, so we will all be sleeping in the same room." Risotto announced once he was sure everyone was awake. "Yes, I'm taking the top bed!" Melone shouted with way too much enthusiasm for just waking up.

"How do you want to know that they have bunk beds?" asked Ghiaccio and pushed his glasses back with his pointer finger like a professional. "They always have bunk beds when you are sharing a room with eight other persons." pointed out Formaggio who was able to breath normally again. With a  disgusted face he threw the gummy snakes into a trash bag and quickly demanded something to drink after that.

"So are there any plans for today?" you leaned over to row in front of you to reach either Prosciutto or Risotto. "Yes." the white haired man simply said, a small smirk appearing on his lips. You raised an eyebrow this was awfully suspiscious. "You'll find out soon enough." Prosciutto reassured you, but you had a feeling the two were up to something you wouldn't like.

For the next two hours you were left wondering what exactly they had planned for you. Why didn't you try to listen to them before and let yourself distract by Illuso? However, you still were positive that whatever it was wouldn't kill any of you, at least not directly.

"Man, I'm so tired I think I could sleep all day." said Formaggio as he leaned back against his window with a yawn. He swung his legs up over Illuso's and Ghiaccio's legs, but almost fell down when the two of them pushed them back down. "Prosciutto, I think we took a wrong turn." mentioned Melone, but that smirk from the blond man told you enough. "Don't tell me we are going kayaking." Illuso mumbled, but then started chuckling a bit. Whatever he had on his mind was something you rather wouldn't want to find out.

"Yes and you can already start to make groups of two." Risotto informed you all as the van came to a stop. The teams were actually quite predictable. Of course were Pesci and Prosciutto in one, then Illuso with Melone, the other team were Ghiaccio and Formaggio, which left you with Risotto once again.

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