Let's watch a movie

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The next morning you woke up to something soft tickling your face. Scrunching up your nose you tried to get rid of the feeling, wanting to lift your hand only to find someone hugging you tightly. Opening your eyes the first thing you saw was lilac hair so with an annoyed groan you tried to push Melone off of you.

"Melone why aren't you in your bed?" you asked the man on that was lying half on top of you. "It's more comfortable here." he mumbled as he wrapped his arms around you even tighter.

"Get off, I am suffocating here." you mumbled and tried to escape his grip. Melone wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a pillow being thrown in his face. "Melone get off." ordered Illuso who was the one throwing the pillow. "And why should I take orders from you?" asked Melone in a almost mocking tone, turning his head around to look at Illuso.

The brown haired man didn't say anything after that and just took out his phone where he typed something on. Melone, who still didn't move an inch raised an eyebrow in question about what Illuso was planning, he would never go down this easily. It was too late when the lilac-haired man realized what he was doing, only when he raised the phone up to his ear waiting for another person to pick up.

"Melone is at it again." There was a small pause, the other person was probably talking now. "Yes he is naked and I have seen things I didn't want to, please send help. Oh no it's so small" said Illuso with fake despair and then hung up with a smirk of victory on his face. Just to clear it up, Melone was definetely not naked and it didn't take him long to jump off you and over to Illuso's bed. "I am most definetely not, you wanna see?!" screamed Melone angrily while he tried to choke Illuso on his bed.

The thing was, knowing Melone he wouldn't hesitate a second to take off his clothes and show himself in all his glory. Only a few seconds after the door burst open, revealing a furious Risotto.

"Melone, put on some clothes no-" he stopped mid-sentence to see that there actually was no real problem and everyone was still dressed. His eyes wandered over to Illuso who just smirked at him, he didn't dare to say anything though, Risotto's glare was usually enough to make anyone shut up.

"Breakfast is in 10 minutes." he said before he grumpily left the room again. Great, now he's probably gonna be in the same mood for the rest of the day. After arguing who is going into the bathroom first you started yet another unnecessary discussion. Due to the short time you eventually went in to brush your teeth and comb your hair at the same time. You felt like you didn't even need to use your deodrant anymore considering the huge amount Melone just used. The whole room smelled like him now and to make it worse he started spraying it at both Illuso and you.

Once he was finally done, you all hurried out of the room towards the elevators. Just as you pressed the button that closes the doors again, you heard someone screaming to wait for them. You recognized the voice to be Formaggio's, behind him running Ghiaccio who was also screaming at you. Surely you would've put your foot between the doors, but Illuso pulled you back before you could do so while Melone pressed the closing-button multiple times, in order to get the doors close faster.

Once the other two saw that the screaming only got louder and at the moment you actually hoped that they wouldn't come inside the elevator because you did not want a fight to happen there. And luck was on your side, the doors closed shortly before they were able to get inside.

You listened to the calm elevator music before you heard the ringing, telling you  that you were downstairs now. To your suprise Formaggio and Ghiaccio took the stairs down, being completely out of breath, but still furious enough to start a race into the dining hall. And it actually was going well, your group was faster than them, probably because you didn't have to run all the stairs before, but you knew something bad was bound to happen.

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