Remington nodded, "Yeah, she came to fetch me," nodding to the nurse who smiled as she was moving the wheelchair in place so he could take a seat.

I let out a sigh, "Can I walk you home?" as he made the semi-smooth motion from bed to chair.

Remington let out a laugh, "Oh shit, Liss, this day just could not be more embarrassing." The nurse chuckled while helping him adjust the foot rests on the wheelchair a moment before positioning the IV pole so she could move it along with him. I leaned against the wall a moment, rocking on my heels and considering my options.

You don't want to just let him go, Liss... Take a risk... He won't mind...

I stepped toward Remington and sat on his lap sideways, lacing my arm around his shoulder. "This okay?"

The shock on his face melted into a bright smile. He reached down, releasing the brake on the side before beginning to wheel us forward. We moved ahead while the nurse followed in silence, helping make sure our IV poles stuck close by.  I met her eyes and saw a knowing look with her bright smile.

"Thanks for the ride!" I hopped off as soon as we got to his hospital bed.

"Wait, but shouldn't I take... you.... Home?" Remington asked, a confused look on his face while his head tilted.

I broke into laughter, "Babe, I think we messed up this entire process as it is so let's just do our best where we are for now."

The nurse chuckled with us while getting him settled into his hospital bed. "You two are a hoot! How long have you been a couple?"

Remington shrugged, "What, Liss? About.... 36 hours since we met?"

I nodded, "Yeah, sounds about right, baby." I made a kissy face at him and plopped onto the armchair, scooching it closer to his hospital bed and laying the fleece blanket Doc Edwards gave me earlier on my lap as I sat down.

She shot me a critical look while I let out a yawn, "You need to go back to your room, young lady."

"I know, I know, but he needs to get settled so...."

"Fine," her gruff tone scolded me but there was laughter shining in her eyes, "You can stay for a bit, but then to bed with you after we check on your little brother."

I laughed, "Oh shit. Has Benji given you any trouble?"

She chuckled, "Eh, not sure about trouble but he ate three ham and swiss sandwiches and four chocolate puddings so far."

"Oh, so just a snack?" I stated simply.  Remington laughed at my deadpan delivery but the nurse shook her head.

"He is such a funny boy," Her eyes lingered on mine, "And he sure does love you, sweet girl."

I sighed happily, "Guess I'll keep him. He's stuck with me now." Remi was getting his vitals done so I perched facing him now on the hospital bed, "So, what should we do tomorrow?"

He considered a moment, scrunching his face and tilting his head back and forth, before responding. "First, we need to go eat breakfast somewhere that is not our rooms."

"Cafeteria for brunch. Got it." I nodded, following along.

Remi chuckled, a low rumble that made me shiver and set something off in my core, "I said breakfast, Liss."

I played off the warmth inside me with a smirk, "I don't "DO" breakfast," then used air quotes while saying the word which made both Remington and the nurse laugh. I further explained, "I like to sleep and my college courses were always evenings so we got into the habit of eating later. Benji and I do brunch which is just breakfast that isn't at six am."

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