seonghwa || high hopes

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a/n: welcome! 🌌

"Come on, y/n. It'll be fun," San pleaded, clinging onto my arm like his life depended on it.
"But San, I'm not even invited to this party," I replied, trying to wiggle my arm out of his grip.
"That's why I'm inviting you on behalf of Seonghwa," he grinned.
"I've never even met him. How am I supposed to attend his party if I don't know him at all?"
"Oh don't worry, you'll meet him," San smirked. I wanted to slap that smirk off his face, because I knew exactly what it meant.

He was trying to set me up.

"No I won't if I don't go."
San sighed. "Wooyoung! Tell y/n how much fun Seonghwa hyung's party is gonna be!"

Wooyoung appeared with the same smirk that San had on his face.
"Yah! Y/n you HAVE to go. Seonghwa will be thrilled. You won't regret it," he winked.

Scratch that. San AND Wooyoung were trying to set me up.

"Why are you guys trying to set me up with this Seonghwa guy?"

San rolled his eyes while Wooyoung placed his hands on his hips, pretending he didn't know what I meant.

"Who said anything about setting you up? Y/n, we're just trying to talk you into having some fun. You can't sit in front of your books all day," Wooyoung lectured me.

Okay, maybe I did spend too much time studying.

"Okay fine."
"Great!" San beamed. "You'll enjoy it, you'll see!"


I can't believe I let San and Wooyoung convince me to come to Seonghwa's birthday party. I didn't know anyone besides them, and it was awkward. I figured I'd stay close to them as much as possible, since I was terrible at sparking conversations with strangers.

But Wooyoung quickly disappeared out of sight when we arrived, and there was no way of catching up with him. San on the other hand, was more relaxed and went up to one of his other friends while I tagged along like a lost pup.

"Hongjoong hyung! It's good to see you," San laughed before hugging his hyung.
"How have you been?" Hongjoong asked him, before noticing me. "Oh hi, y/n."
"Hey, Hongjoong," I smiled half-heartedly.

I didn't know Hongjoong very well. San introduced me to him a few months ago, strangely also with the hope of setting us up. But I guess things didn't turn out according to San's plan.

Not that Hongjoong wasn't attractive though. He just seemed more like someone I'd want to have as a best friend.

I awkwardly stood beside San while he and Hongjoong chatted about what they've been up to since the last time they saw each other.

I felt bad for having to overhear their conversation, but it was insanely difficult not to when they were talking right beside me, without giving any particular notice to me.

Maybe I should go and find Woo.

As if reading my mind, San suddenly spoke up. "Where do you think you're going, y/n? We have to go and find Seonghwa. Hyung, you haven't seen him by any chance?"

I swear San was like a bloodhound. He could pick up even the most unnoticeable shifts in my mood or mindset.

I sighed, waiting for Hongjoong to answer San's question.

Guess there was no escape from San's wonderful plan.

"I did see and congratulate him when I arrived, but I have no idea where he is now," Hongjoong said, scratching the back of his neck.
"It's okay, hyung! We'll find him somewhere," San beamed, radiating excitement.

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