Chapter 6 - A Fun Trip To Walmart pt 2

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She wanted me to wear the clothes as she bought them. Right after I tried on those bizarre sneakers, she had me go back to those dressing rooms and put on an outfit with the sneakers. Of course, Jenna was happy to see me again. She was a pretty gal. Her hair was pulled back, but her face and blue eyes were something to behold. As I spoke to her earlier, I noticed Hannah's expression. Was she jealous?

I grinned to myself at the thought as I stood in the little white dressing room and pulled on a deep-red collar shirt over a plain white t-shirt. Hannah was beautiful, and the attraction to her was instant. And I would be living in her house for a time! How would I not lose my mind?

I slipped on the slimming jeans and almost tucked the shirts in, but I thought of Hannah's advisement from before, and I saw other guys walking around without tucked-in shirts. Odd. But if that was what guys did... it was too drafty.

I put on the white sneakers I chose out since those were the closest to what I had worn before. I eyed my hair and tried to fix it with my fingers since it got messed up by my putting that white shirt on. This place had to sell combs if it sold other hair products. I took a close look at my roots. Hannah was right to have me get the hair dye - my light-brown roots were showing, just as she predicted.

My reflection stared back at me, and I smirked at myself. So this smirk of mine is an icon, huh? Called the Elvis smirk? That's really flattering. It doesn't seem all that different than other people's smirks, but I admit that my lip goes up higher than most people's. I've been self-conscious about it.

"Okay, here we go," I said as I opened the door and came out of the dressing room. The two women were looking at their phones but looked up as they saw me come out. I couldn't help but pose like I was at a photoshoot. Both women stared at me with stunned expressions. I giggled at it. I was used to it, but it was just so fun to see women's reactions to me.

"Wow, hot dog!" Jenna exclaimed, and I immediately thought of that song from my movie Loving You. It played in my head...

"Thanks," I told her. "So, this is what guys wear, huh? I'm so used to tuckin' everythin' in."

"Believe me, keep it that way," said Hannah and came up to me, her pretty face pink with a cute blush. "You look... um... gosh, you look good. I have to say this is better than that head-to-toe gold suit that you wore that time."

I nodded, agreeing to that. "I admit that was a tad flashy. I like this a lot better. This is me."

"That's why I picked it out for you. I've gone shopping for my brother plenty of times, since he's fashion impaired, so I can gauge what looks good on a guy."

"But I would venture that anything looks good on you," Jenna commented.

"You said somethin' like that earlier," I told Hannah. "You really think so?"

"You'd look good in a potato sack," Jenna said.

My brose rose, honestly surprised at that. "Really? Well, do they sell those things here, too?"

They both laughed my joke, and how I loved Hannah's laugh. Jenna said, "Wouldn't be surprised. We sell almost everything here."

"Everythin', huh?"

"This is his first time in a Walmart," Hannah told Jenna. "He doesn't have them where he's from."

"You're from the South, right, Aaron?" Jenna asked. "I'm sure that they have Walmarts there."

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