"Well, first you need to tell me about this girl. What does she like?" I questioned, looking at the different hats on display.

"I haven't known her for too long if I'm being honest..." Sun admitted, seeming upset about this fact, "So I don't have that much information to go on about giving gifts."

I nodded, thinking about how to answer him.

"In that case, I'd personally suggest going with something on the simpler gift. If you get anything too particular or specific, it may fail if she doesn't end up liking that specific thing."

"That makes a lot of sense... How about this?" Sun asked, pulling a (white/back) scarf off the shelf.

"That's perfect. It's been a bit chilly, and with the basic color it'll go with whatever style of clothing she wears."

Sun nodded before placing the scarf in the cart.

"There is one last thing I need to get."

I looked over to him in curiosity.

"And what would that be? You already got food and clothing; what more could you need to give this girl?"

"Well, I've recently learned that this girl has always wanted a puppy. I already have her parent's permission, so that's what I'm going to do."

"Sun... You're being way too sweet to this girl."

I can't help but be slightly jealous. But that's only because I've always wanted a puppy.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Sun stated with a chuckle as the two of us headed over to the pet section of the mall.

Seeing all the animals -especially the puppies- brought a smile to my face. Although one puppy in particular caught my eye. She was a smaller breed of dog, and had black and white fur. But the adorable brown eyes were what really made me love her.

Sun seemed to notice my interest, and looked to follow my gaze.

"Do you think the girl will like her?"

I smiled, nodding.


Sun then headed over to a nearby salesperson to buy the puppy along with a lot of puppy-related materials such as leashes, food, etc.

"Are you planning to buy anything else, Mr. Generous?" I questioned.

Sun chuckled softly at the nickname as we exited the pet store.

"Nah, I don't think so. All that's left is to deliver the gifts to their intended recipient. Want to tag along?"

I smiled.

"Sure; I got nothing better to do."

With that, I helped Sun gather the gifts, and we exited the store. Although as we walked, I couldn't help but notice how we were heading in the direction of my house?

Did this girl live nearby?

Soon enough though, we arrived at my place.

"Um, Sun... This is my place..."

"I know."

"And I was going to help you deliver the gifts."

"That's right."

"And we're at my home."

"Yes; we already established this."

Once I realized what was going on...

"You bought me a puppy?!"

Out of excitement, I hugged Sun.

Sun smiled, hugging back.

"I apologize for bringing you along with false intentions... I wanted to buy things you liked so you'd be in a better mood when I confessed that I loved you."


As I pulled away, I could tell he was getting embarrassed. He wasn't the only one though.

"You bought all this stuff... Even purchased a puppy... Just so you could confess to me?"

Sun nodded shyly.

"I don't expect an answer right away. I don't believe it's right to rush someone for an answer. All I can really ask is that you think about it."

Still trying to comprehend everything, I held the puppy Sun had given me, letting it kiss me on the face.

"I'll be sure to think about it..."

Sun smiled.

"Thank you. Here, let me help you bring all this inside."

Before I could speak up, he had already done so, and exited my home.

"Have a wonderful evening!"

And with that, he was gone.

As I held my new puppy -who I had named (Puppy Name)-, I couldn't help but think about Sun's confession.

The problem was if I felt the same towards him as he does towards me...


It took longer than I would have liked, but it's finally finished. The gift that will win (Name) over.

Sun and Gladion don't stand a chance.

... She's Mine... (Yandere!Alola Boys X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now