Sunlight shines on you
ˈʃiʒa ˈsunt͡so nad tiˈe'

I can't stop smiling listening to the beautiful melody they both sing in Sokovian

Geraldine grabs my hand as a sweet gesture as we listen to the twins sing, but when I make eye contact with her she breaks free from the magic

"Y/n? Y/n Stark? You're here" She squeezes my hand

"W-what?" I freeze and look at Wanda confused

"Y/n it's me Monica Rambeau- Wanda" she looks at Wanda worriedly realizing she might not have wanted to do that

"What did you say?" Wanda looks at her

"Y/n" pietro pulls me closer to him taking my hand away from Geraldines

"I- I said Wanda, you two are such strong ladies. Should I say it once more for good measure?" She giggles casually

"No, you didn't" Wanda looks at her suspiciously

I stand in front of the cribs with Pietro confused

"Hey why don't I take a shift rocking the babies?" She asks

"No I think you should leave" Wanda deadpans

"Wanda don't be like that." Geraldine steps back

"Your necklace, that symbol.." Wanda looks at it

"Who are you?" Pietro steps in now worried about not only our safety but the safety of the babies as well

"I-... y/n, y/n please you're a Stark!" She looks at me and speaks fast

Suddenly her words hit me and I break free of the magic

"No! Who are you?" Wanda asks her sternly

"Wanda... listen" Geraldine tries to reason

"Answer the question" pietro demands

"Monica?" I speak up trying to figure out what exactly is going on

"No!" Wanda puts her hand up towards me and my character freezes.
Inside my head I am trying to get a grasp on what is going on
I can't move so I use astral projection to get free

"Y/n?" Pietro looks at me worriedly

"Wanda, pietro, I'm just your neighbor! Please" Geraldine tries to stop Wanda

"You're not my neighbor, and you're definitely not my friend. You're a stranger, and an outsider, and right now you're trespassing and I want you to leave" Wanda puts her hands up starting to use her magic

Suddenly Wanda's magic forces Monica out of her house and rejects her out of the barrier

I force myself back into my characters body hoping that I can be in control but Wanda's magic takes a hold of me again

Pietro and my character are directed to look after the babies as Wanda fixes the house

"Did Geraldine leave, Wanda?" I look up

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