Chapter 14 (Summer)

Start from the beginning

"Blaise, you and Draco can go get your school supplies, get your sister's school supplies as well," she said. He nodded, taking the galleons she handed him, and both ran off on their own.

"Let's go, honey," she said, leading me off the shop. We entered the small shop. The lady was helping someone get their robes done. She stopped and smiled at us, yelling at someone to come finish the man's robes.

"Hello! How can I help you?" She asked Mum, put her hand on my shoulder.

"I need new Hogwarts robes for my daughter," she said. The lady nodded and led me to the back, starting to help me.

After a short while, we finished my robes and walked to the shop to find Blaise and Draco. I looked around the streets when I spotted a black dog watching me. I blinked a couple of times, but the dog was still staring at me. It looked between me and my mother.

"Mum?" I said,


"Do you see that dog over there?" I asked, pointing at the spot the dog had been.

"No honey, there's nothing there," she said. I looked back over at the spot, but she was right, nothing was there.

"Oh," I said, confused.


We walked onto our train, finding our friends there before us already. I sat next to Daphne and Pansy.

"How was your summer?" Pansy asked.

"It was good. We traveled around a lot," I said. The train started up, and I put my head on her shoulder as Daphne started talking all about her summer in France.

The train slowed down as we looked around, confused.

"Are we here already?" Daphne asked,

"We couldn't be here already. It's too early," I said, looking outside the window. The train started shaking lightly, making us jump. The window started freezing over, and everything went a little dark. I heard someone screaming, covering my ears.

"Who's screaming?" I asked, closing my eyes and putting my hands over my ears. The screaming got louder, and I fell to my knees trying to block the noise, but it wasn't working. My body felt icy, and I shivered. The others crouch around me, confused and looking terrified at the same time.

"What's wrong? River, talk to me!" Blaise yelled, shaking me.

"There's screaming!" I said, as everything went dark. After a couple of seconds, I opened my eyes seeing my friends' terrified faces hovering around me.

"What just happened?" I asked, rubbing my head, which was throbbing with pain.

"I'll get someone to come help," Theo said, standing up as I sit down on the train chairs.

After a second, Theo comes back with an older man we've never seen before. I looked up at him. The second he laid eyes on me, his mouth fell open, and it looked as if a spark of recognition flashed through his eyes.

"You guys need help?" He asked.

"Yeah, she passed out for a second," Blaise said. The man pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to me.

"Here, eat this, it'll help," He said, as he handed everyone a piece of chocolate.

"Who are you?" Daphne asked.

"I'm the new dark arts Professor, Lupin." He said,

"Thank you," I said. After a second, he smiled and nodded before walking out.


I walked to our common room with Daphne and Pansy after dinner later that night. My friends forced me to eat more than usual in case I passed out again.

"River!" I turned around seeing Potter run up to me. I forced myself not to roll my eyes as Daphne and Pansy stopped glaring at him.

"What do you want, Potter?" I asked, my tone a little too harsh, forcing him to step back.

"I need to talk to you alone." He said, looking at Daphne and Pansy who glared at him.

"Do you really need to?" I asked.

"Yes," He said. I signed and nodded.

"Alright, I'll see you guys in our room," I said. They glanced at Potter before nodding and walking through the wall to our Slytherin room.

"What is it?" I asked once they were gone.

"You know about Sirius Black?" He asked. I scoffed.

"Who doesn't?" Potter signed.

"Listen, I heard he's coming after both of us," He explained.

"Curse my stupid Potter blood," I hissed. Potter seemed offended, but I shrugged him off.

"Just stay safe," He said. I nodded as he turned and walked away from me.

A/N- Please check out my new stories. My Slytherin- Draco Malfoy, and Perfect Malfoy- George Weasley. Thank you!

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