Once they arrived at the top of the stairs, the two girls behind Dahyun were in awe. The room was rather small but it was neatly organized.

To be honest, it looked more like a cop's undercover hideout to Mina than a con artist's lair. There was a black board with a map plastered on it. On the desk next to it was two monitors with folder filled with files on the bottom. The small room also had a sofa and a mini fridge.

The door opened as an orange haired woman entered the room.

"Yah! Who are you guys?" She was confused on who was trespassing her hideout at this time.

"Sana-unnie" Dahyun called out from behind the two Japanese girls who just froze in place. She made her way to the front of the girls.

Sana's eyes softened once she saw Dahyun. "Dahyunie! It's been a while, come here!" Sana opened her arms for her short friend who came running towards her for a tight hug.

The two hugged for a while before pulling away once they remembered the other two girls at the other side of the room.

"Who is this cute woman you brought?" Sana smirked as she eyed Mina.

"I'm Mo-"

"This is Mina" Dahyun made her way to the younger Japanese girl. "Remember the favor I asked you?"

Sana nodded. "Come to my office"

The three of them followed Sana to the door.

"I just want to talk to Mina. You guys can wait on the sofa" She replied before heading into the room.

The other two walked to the sofa and sat on it without any hesitation while Mina stared at the open door in front of her. She was nervous but she pushed this away and took a deep breath.

No more hiding. She thought to herself before entering the well lit office.

Sana was on the other side of the office, staring out at the window.

Mina closed the door behind her and made her way to the desk on the other side of the room.

Silence surrounded them. Mina didn't know what to say. What do you even say to a con artist? Mina thought to herself as she moved towards the desk. 'Hi I would love to get back at my ex by conning her so she gets a taste of her own medicine?' She shook the thought away as she sat down on the chair and placed her bag on the desk.

She swiveled around the chair like a child being brought to the office by her parent. 

"So" Sana cleared the air between them, turning around to face the younger Japanese woman. Mina immediately sat upright upon hearing Sana's words. It's funny how Mina could be like a little child happy to sit on a 'spinny chair' as most children call it, to an elegant and sophiscated woman in her 20s. 

"Dahyun told me a bit about it but" Sana leaned back on the wall. "What do you want me to do?"

Mina reached into her bag and grabbed the file Dahyun gave her earlier. She handed it to Sana who went back to her previous position after receiving it. 

"Nayeon had been running a tourism company in partnership with Mr. Lim" Mina explained. Dahyun had quickly briefed her before they could reach the top of the stairs. 

Sana scoffed. "Mr. Lim is just a decoy, no?" She asked as she flipped through the 4 paged file.

"I assume so" Mina lied. She hadn't read the file yet but she knew Nayeon. 

"What exactly do you want me to do?" Sana repeated her question as her gaze moved from the file to Mina's brown orbs.

Just an hour ago, Mina wanted to slap anyone who would even so as bring Nayeon's name. If Momo hadn't been her bestfriend, she'd have done that. But right now, she didn't know that there was a burning passion in her to take down her ex and Sana's question did nothing more but ignite it.

"I want you to devise a plan to con her and take her business down." Mina replied firmly.

"And how much do you want?" Sana turned around to face the window once again. A smirk playing on her lips but Mina couldn't see it.

"I want to double the money she took from me" Mina leaned back in the chair.

"How much would that be?"

"1 million"

"1 million? Did I hear you right?" Sana asked. She turned around to meet the pale woman who had been sitting on her chair, the smirk never leaving her lips.

"Yes" Mina simply answered. Sana's questions did nothing but just ignite the flame in her, the desire to take down the woman who had been haunting her mind for a year. She cocked her head to the left, taunting the oranged hair woman in front of her as a way to reel her into plan. "You can't do it, can you?" Along with that burning passion came desperation as her voice was laced with a hint of desperation. She didn't want Sana to agree, she needed Sana to agree.

Sana chuckled at this. The fact that someone was testing her didn't irk her, in fact it amused her. She really wants to get back at this woman. Sana thought to herself as if she could read Mina's thoughts. "You're asking someone who's been conning for a living if I can do something as small as 1 million?" She shook her head.

Mina's strong resolve started to die down once she heard those words. A frown slowly made its way to her pink lips but was quickly erased when she heard the next words that came out of Sana's mouth.

"Normally, I wouldn't do this but since this girl is your ex. I will do it" Sana smirked. "Also because you're hot" She muttered in a low voice. Fortunately for her, Mina didn't catch what she said as she was too immersed in the fact that she could finally have her revenged.

"On one condition though" Mina's little party in her head gets disrupted. 

She sits upright again and leans against the desk, her elbows on the desk and her face in her left hand. Mina looked unbothered by Sana's request right now with her position but deep down, she hoped it wasn't too hard of a condition to follow since she wanted to get back at Nayeon.

"What is it?" Mina asked. A small smile playing on her full pink lips that Sana wanted to kiss just to see what it'd taste like.

"You'll go out with me after this"

The Con-Heartist (2na) (Mina x Sana)Where stories live. Discover now