Act 16: Discussions and preparations

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I explained what happened to Pink Pearl and Spinel, who listened quietly and interested.

-Pink, do you really think that it is a good idea to make a battle between your forces and Yellow's ones?- Pink Pearl asked.

-Yes, it's the only way that I can prove the superiority of my style against her. Also, I will make her apologize to my troops for humiliating them in the ball- I said,

-All right. However, it's still weird to me that Yellow Diamond had an energy shield that protected her being possessed by you, also that she sensed you- Pink Pearl said.

-It looks like we have powers that we don't even know. Also, I wonder why they couldn't feel me when I shapeshifted as Shining Star, as well when I entered into Yellow Pearl's body- I said.

-Maybe is because you are concentrated to do that. Maybe they sensed you when you are relaxed- Pink Pearl said.

-But when Pink shapeshift she doesn't have to be concentrated anymore when she transform into the form she wants- Spinel said.

-That's true, I don't need to be concentrated when I finish my transformation or when I possess someone. Maybe it's because I am in a smaller form or body?- I said.

-Hard to tell. However, you have to concentrate in the next battle. You have faced a lot of Gems before, but great part of them were friendly and with your comrades. Now you will face completely unknown Gems that will try to defeat you when they have the chance and that might be dangerous for you- Pink Pearl said.

-Yeah, if they poof you they will find out that you are a Diamond- Spinel said.

-I know I know, but I won't let my guard down. Besides, I will have my good friends fighting alongside me. We will triumph at the end and gain honor to my court- I said.

-So, you will call the General Rose to arrange the elite of your troops?- Spinel asked me.

-Yes, I will call her right now- I said.

-I think not. If you call her for an idea that "Yellow Pearl" gave to Yellow Diamond and then she to the other Diamonds it will be very problematic to explain how you knew it before Yellow Diamond told you- Pink Pearl said.

-That's true Pink- Spinel said.

-Well, I guess that I will have to wait them to call me. I hope it won't take so long- I said.

I waited for some hours playing and talking with Pink Pearl and Spinel. Spinel tried to meditate to find out if she had the same powers as me, but she just felt asleep. When Spinel wake up, she just comically accepted that she couldn't develop my powers.

-Well, it was worth the try. Still- Spinel said shapefhifting into me –I still have my shapeshifting abilities to get fun-

We laughed a little bit. She then returned to her original form.

-Yeah, I wonder how many powers I still have to discover- I said.

-Same. Maybe I can't develop the same powers as you, but surely I have more tricks up the sleeve. What about Pearl, do you think that you have any more abilities than just the ones that you already have?- Spinel asked.

-Sincerely I have never thought about it. When Pink developed her Rose Quartz's powers I thought that it was only natural, since the Rose Quartzes are the Gems that have more of her essence. However, when she developed her other powers, I thought that it was because she is a Diamond. Besides I don't think that we the Pearls have more powers, it will be interesting to find out and learn more about myself- Pink Pearl said.

-Add it to the check list of things to do while waiting for Pink to return for her training and battles- Spinel said.

-I am very glad for both of you and I am sure that, together, we might find out our true potential- I said gladly and proud.

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