Act 6: The Tripods Strike Back

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-We are under attack!? By who!?- I said in surprise running toward the window, moving the curtains in order to view the city and putting my hands on the railing.

We then saw in shock a series of "meteorites", engulfed in flames, falling into the city. They crashed everywhere: buildings, roads, Gems, causing several damage. However, some of the falling sites where too strategic for being a meteorite shower. Some "meteorites" impacted on communication buildings, others on Warp Pad centers, as well that some meteorites crashed on Kindergartens and the airports of our ships. No, it wasn't a meteorite shower. I felt a great rage seeing my people, my planet, my Homeworld being attacked. I was so angry that I cracked part of the railing.

-Pearl, Spinel, please go to the bunker- I said.

-Pink, what is happening?- Pink Pearl asked me scared.

When I opened my mouth a trumpet like sound sounded all over the place. Suddenly, from the flames of the "meteorites", which had cylindrical form, the Tripods, in their 3 legged war machines, emerged and started to attack everyone and everything. Since the surrounding Gems weren't Quartz they were easily poofed and shattered by the heat rays.

-My stars!- Spinel said scared and shaking of fear.

-My Diamond!- the General Rose said entering the room kicking the door with many Topazes, Rubies and Quartzes –Homeworld is under attack! Please evacuate to a safer place!-

-General Rose, please take Pink Pearl and Spinel to the bunker and that all the guards here protect them and the other Gems. You will put together all the Gem soldiers that are here with my troops and lead the fight against the Tripods until the reinforcements come- I said.

-But, my Diamond, what about yourself?- the General Rose asked.

-I will later join with them. Since I am too tall I will be easily noticed by the Tripods and will put you and my friends in danger. Please, first leave them in the bunker and then lead the battle against the invaders- I said.

-*Sigh* All right my Diamond, I don't like the idea of leaving you but I will first put in safety your friends. I just hope Shining Star is here, she would be very useful against those Tripods- the General Rose said.

-Don't worry, I am pretty sure that she will arrive pretty soon- I said.

-I hope so. Meanwhile, please stay away from the window my Diamond. All right, let's go!- the General Rosa said.

-See ya later Pink!- Spinel said joyfully and extending her hand right hand.

-Please be careful Pink- Pink Pearl said in a worried tone.

-Don't worry P Pea, I won't let those filthy Tripods shatter me- I said.

The General Rose and the other Gems took Pink Pearl and Spinel to escort to the bunker. I waited that they were out of the building to make my next move.

-Now that Pearl and Spinel are safe with the General Rose and the others, it's time for Shining Star to save the day!- I said.

I was about to shapeshift into my Rose Quartz Gemsona but I felt a metal tentacle took my arm and then pulled my out of my room, launching me to the streets, which were on fire, full of debris of the destroyed and collapsed buildings.

The Tripod war machine brought me there to shatter me, but I quickly reacted and avoided it's heat ray. I then stand up and punched it, making it crash into a building. The Tripod war machine was almost of my Diamond height, which made me easier to attack them. For a fusion of Gems was easy, but the problem is that I was a Diamond and I couldn't fuse with my Rose Quartz comrades (or at least I believed that at that time).

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