Act 9: Fractures

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The days passed and the Homeworld was completely repaired. A ball to celebrate my victory against the Tripods was held at night in our throne room. Because the Diamonds didn't wanted to Spinel be there, I was only accompanied by Pink Pearl, who was at my right. The ball started and the Gems started to dance at the same song as always.

The monotony of the balls was very boring to me and my soldiers, who were dancing there with a boring, sleep-face. I tried many times to do something different and more entertaining for everyone in the balls, but the other Diamonds didn't allowed me to doing them. They wanted to do everything as always. "Perfect" as always. Boring as always. Oppressive as always.

It passed some hours since the start of the ball when suddenly a Rose Quartz from my court stumbled with a Jade from Yellow's court and caused a domino effect, causing that a lot of Jades fall into the floor. The music stopped. The other Diamonds looked very irritated by this mistake. I, in the other hand, was very worried.

-Well, who was the one that caused all this horrendous disaster?- White asked in a calmed tone, smiling tetrically.

-I-I was, White Diamond- the Rose Quartz said shaking in fear while making the Diamond salute –i-it was just an acc-acc-acc-accident, I didn't meant to do it-

-Please, White have mercy on she. It was just a mistake- I begged her.

White looked at Yellow.

-Yellow, please give her the proper punishment for ruining our wonderful ball- White said.

-No! White, Yellow, please, don't do it!- I begged kneeling at them.

-Behave yourself Pink, a Diamond don't knee- Blue whispered to me.

Yellow launched at my poor Rose Quartz a ray of destabilization.

-Nooo!!!- I shouted, crying, trying to stop her, only to be stopped by Blue.

Yellow poofed my Rose Quartz in just seconds, by the shock and fear of the Gems.

She just poofed the Rose Quartz who days ago attended the call of duty to defend the Homeworld from the Tripods. She poofed a Rose Quartz that worked every day to protect and expand their Empire. And for what? For a single mistake in a dance. For a single mistake in something so banal like a stupid party in honor of a stupid Diamond. But for the Diamonds her mistake was a sacrilege. They won't saw at all her hard work, the hard work of all the Gems. At the smallest mistake, every Gem will turn unpleasant to their eyes. And just for an insignificant mistake. I couldn't stand seeing how the Diamonds insulted and belittled the Gems of my court, my comrades, my friends, my sisters, my family.

-Well, that solves it. Now, someone take her Gemstones and let's continue with the ba...- White said.

-BASTARD!- I furiously shouted while taking off me Blue's hand.

I then jumped toward Yellow and give her a strong punch that knocked her out of her throne, directly into the floor. Full of fury, I gave Yellow the beating of her life. Yellow tried to defend herself, trying to launch me, but I kicked her arms. I wasn't in full control of myself. I was conducted by a violent side of me, a rancorous side that I didn't knew that existed. Or that I knew that existed but keep at bay. I didn't let that dark side of the take control, but it was unleashed when Yellow attacked my comrades besides I begged her to forgive her. It was very hard to control when the Diamonds keep the war for Earth and when they shattered, in front of my eyes, my Crystal Gems friends and I couldn't move a single finger to save them.

White stopped me with a ray that made me a terrible headache and made convulse while shaking in the floor with some foam getting out of my mouth. I only could saw quick flashes of white and black while the noises were very confusing, like a mix of listening a radio on a cave but in a motorcycle, coming closer and far away at a high speed.

-The ball is over! Each of you return to your positions! Yellow, let Pink to the Prison Tower...!- White said before I loss the awareness of the real world and entered in a very familiar world of pain and suffering.

When I recovered, I found out that I was in my room in the Prison Tower.

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