Act 1: New playground

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I don't know exactly the year in which this took place, I think I guess that the year that this took place is like 6753 B.C. I will describe what happened in English, since obviously we didn't used English in that time, principally because it didn't existed. We had an ancient Gem language that stopped to be used as I introduced other languages in order to defeat our enemies, a brilliant idea of mine that ended with endless lives and planets.

My best friends, Pink Pearl and Spinel, were supervising the construction of our secret garden, which was being built by Bismuths. Talking about Bismuths, Steven, if you inherited my powers, and found Lion, please go inside him and liberate a bubbled square-like Gem. She is Bismuth, one of the first Crystal Gems and one of my best friends.

She was at the beginning a normal Bismuth that was part of my court and worked in my buildings. However, when I sent her to Earth, I found that she has ideas of liberation, of freedom, ideas that fit with the Crystal Gems, so I, Rose Quartz, invited her to join the Crystal Gems and she gladly joined us. She made all the weapons that we used during the Rebellion.

However, not only ideas of freedom where in her mind, but also a strong feeling of justice and a thirst of revenge. She wanted to avenge all the Gems that were oppressed and shattered daily in the Gem Empire as well our fallen Gem and human comrades that fall in the battlefields to defend the Earth. I also shared that feeling. The idea to strike my sisters with only one hit came to me every time I was near them.

-"Come on Rose"- a part, my violent part of me said while I was with Blue in her extraction chamber (or private pool for me) -"Hit her now that is vulnerable! She doesn't love you enough to listen you to end the war, nor to change of planet and countless of humans and Gems already died because their obstinacy. Shatter her here and then Yellow and White. It will be easy Rose, they won't expect that the little and cute Pink Diamond is in reality their worst nightmare. Just a little strike to bring order and peace to the Gem Empire..."

I felt the temptation to finish the life of my first family. But, I couldn't do it. Besides everything they have done to me, they loved me and I loved them and a part of me knew, or at least wanted to believe. that they really keep the war because they thought that they were helping me.

-"Don't do it Pink!"- another part of me, my gentle part of me said at the same time –"don't be a murderer Pink, not anymore. Please don't cause more death or destruction. Think in the lives that you have destroyed, the people that you have hurt. Think in their pain and suffer. Do you want to make suffer Blue? Yellow? White? Your family? Blue supported you and dried your tears, Yellow was always to help even when you were an annoying little brat and White always believed in you. They think that what they are doing is correct, but you can show them that they are wrong and also the way to make things correctly. You changed and saw that there is beauty in the organic life, that their life is worthy of respect as well that the Gems life, that every living being deserves to live. You are a Diamond and Quartz, you are a leader that guide your people to achieve a better life and a fearful warrior that will do everything to protect them. If you changed the other Diamonds can change. Blue already told you that she feels bad for making unhappy the Gems because of the oppression of the system. Same with Yellow, who sometimes feel a little to press by White. You convince them and, together, you can change her mind and the Diamond could bring a new era of peace and prosperity to the Gem Empire, the Earth and the universe. Don't lose hope Rose, there is still a chance to end this peacefully and recover Pink Pearl once and for all..."-

I always keep my faith and the love for my sisters, besides it slowly started to fade with the time. At the end, I still loved them, but I really thought that they didn't cared for me and only cared about our status and appearances. Plato said once that this world is the world of appearances and the Gem Empire is a great example of it. So, at the end, I decided to "shatter myself" instead of shattering them.

My life is part humor, part Diamond, part RoseKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat