Act 10: Falling Apart

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I shouted a big scream of sadness and pain. My head was killing me, but the thing that hurt me the most it was that the Diamonds attacked my Rose Quartz comrade and then me, and in front of my people. It was a long time that since I was in the Prison Tower, but the first time that it was for a just cause.

The Prison Tower is a, well, a tower in which the Diamonds put Gems that misbehave to punish them in order to reform them and become useful and perfect to the Gem Empire. Because of my constant pranks, tantrums, antics and, well, for not being perfect as a Diamond should be, the Diamonds made a special room for me. I passed a lot of days, weeks, years on that horrible, dark prison, which become like a second home to be. Unlike the other Gems who were sent there, I couldn't be "reformed" or "corrected" nor "perfected", I was always flaw, imperfect, childish. I was always me.

The tortures, punishments for me were pretty... "creative", if we can call them in that way. Isolation for years, deep sadness from Blue, which affected my mind health, physical pain with the electrical destabilizer powers from Yellow and the worst were from White, which could affect my mind, my body and my soul at the same time with her white rays.

They suffered when they punished me. The most obvious was Blue, who cried every time when the torture started and begged for mercy, sometimes getting a lower punishment for me. Yellow put an unhappy face when she attacked me, almost close to breaking up. White, in the other hand, had her unnatural smile, but from her eyes I could see that she wasn't enjoying what she was doing.

-Please! Please no more! I will be good! Please, no more!- I cried every time they tortured me.

However, that time I was angrier than sad. Angry because of what the Diamonds did to my comrades, the Gems that bravely face the enemies of the Gem kind, risks their lives to their safety, got shattered in name of their Diamonds, and the Diamonds didn't thank them for their work, instead, they trample them for an insignificant mistake. I started to punch and kick the walls while my tears wet my cheeks to finally fall into the cold dark floor.

-"Fucking Diamonds. We fight for their glory, we fight for their safety, we fight for their empire, to accomplish their whims. And that's how they pay us!? Poofing us for committing mistakes!? I will make sure that they will ask for forgiveness for insulting us, the Quartzes..."- I thought while punching and kicking one of the walls.

After that day, every time they sent me again to that horrible prison, I always spent the time punching and kicking the walls. I couldn't waste any time to practice my attacks. The Prison Tower is one of the places which I don't want to step on never again in my life, there and now.

However, only in one time I went to the Prison Tower in seek of a refuge and to hide for something terrible that I've done. I put myself in there, closed the doors and started to cry, wishing to revert the things that occurred that tragic day. But the Diamonds can't go back in time.

And you might ask Steven: but Pink/Rose, what terrible thing do you did that you wanted to hide in the Prison Tower? Well, let me tell you my son. After an intense battle against an alien race, my troops (and I of course) took their planet and exterminated them. Hoping that I could finally get my colony, I went personally to White to inform her of the success of my troops and I requested her to give me that planet as my first colony. However, she just said that no.

I was so angry. The takeover of the planet took a lot of time. Many of my comrades died to take that planet, hoping that finally I will get my colony. And White just said no. How I could see them in the eyes and told them that the sacrifice of our comrades was in vain!? I was so angry that I accidentally shouted a sonic scream that accidentally hit Pink Pearl and cracked her left eye and face.

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