Act 15: ... become a lemon

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I opened my eyes and looked to myself. My body was yellow and my chest was close to be like a table.

-"I am in Yellow Pearl's body"- I thought amazed.

-So, what are the news my Pearl?- Yellow asked me.

-Oh yes, I am your Pearl, your loyal Pearl that is happy to serve you every time my Diamond. Well, Pink Diamond hasn't been seen around. It might just be your imagination- I said imitating Yellow Pearl's smug tone.

-Yes, I don't feel her presence anymore. Well, now that issue is solved, it's time to get to the work. Pearl, bring me the reports immediately- Yellow said.

My body automatically started to move. It walked to a computer-like machine in which were many files and disks. It felt very weird.

-"So, this is how it feels being a Pearl"- I thought while giving Yellow the reports that she asked.

-Now give me a massage on my gravity connectors- Yellow said tacking off her boots.

The odor of her feet was so terrible that I almost vomit. I tried to resist, but my body moved by itself and started to massage Yellow's feet, besides my discomfort.

-"I have to get out of Yellow Pearl's body"- I thought while massing Yellow's feet.

However, the odor was so terrible that I couldn't concentrate. I tried to escape but my feet didn't moved but to change my location to massage another part of Yellow's feet. It was very disgusting.

-You are uncommonly quiet today- Yellow said a little intrigued while reading the reports.

-Uh...well... I thought that my Diamond would like to work in silence- I said while massaging her feet.

-That's true, though a little conversation time by time can help me to not be so stressed by the work- Yellow said.

-Well, what do you to talk about, my Diamond?- I said occulting my discomfort.

-Certainly I don't know, there are so many topics of which we could talk- Yellow said while reading the reports.

-Well, what about Pink Diamond?- I asked.

She seemed a little interested on me. She then started to accumulate energy in her right hand. I trembled in fear.

-If you are going to talk garbage of her again I will shatter you without hesitation- Yellow said in an menacing tone.

-"She did what!?"- I thought very angered., I was about to say that if it wasn't too rough to put Pink Diamond in the prison tower. She was defending her Gems after all- I said.

-Now you are tacking her side!?- Yellow said surprised, stopping to accumulate energy in her right hand.

-No...I mean that, for example, if one of the other Diamonds hurt me, you will defend me, right my Diamond?- I said.

-It depends in what you did for being punished by them- Yellow said.

-"Do you really care very little of your Pearl Yellow!?"- I thought a little amazed by her answer.

-But, you will be angry?- I asked.

-Yes, because your incompetence- Yellow said.

-Oh...well... it hurt you when Pink Diamond beat you?- I asked.

-Yes, of course it hurt me. Not only because she is surprisingly strong, but because I love her and I couldn't expect that she would attack me and less for a filthy Quartz- Yellow said.

-"Wow, I really hurt Yellow's feelings, but she also hurts mine and a lot"- I thought.

-Well, you and the other Diamonds hurt physically and emotionally Pink Diamond a lot of times- I said.

Yellow was disgusted for what I said.

-Yes, we do. *Sigh* But we do because we love her and we want her to grow and behave as the Diamond that she is. But she is so... unpredictable, sporadic. I had asked a lot of Sapphires what Pink will do next and she does a completely different thing. Sometimes she seems to grow and acts very mature as a Diamond and other times she is so irresponsible and childish as a Spinel. White likes to pamper her a little bit but also punish her in terrible ways that we Blue and I oppose, but White is so... unchangeable. She only a few times respects our choices and changes her plans or actions, but she wants to do everything in her way, just like Pink. She and Pink have that in common- Yellow said.

I was surprised by what she said. Not only because she admitted in front of me that White's obstinacy in doing everything as she wants was annoying her, but also that she said that White and I want to do everything in our way. That's a half-truth. Besides I always want to do everything I want, I won't do everything I want. If one of my wishes or desires affects someone negatively, I try to change into an option in which I don't affect other people or simply don't do it, besides I fail miserably and my actions and mistakes tends to hurt a lot of people.

Also that, unlike White, I have always someone that interpose between my dreams and great part of the time was the Great Diamond Authority. They opposed to my dream of obtaining a colony for millenniums and when my dreams changed into preserve the Earth and the freedom of the Gems, they opposed me as well. White always had everything to accomplish all her whims.

-Besides they are so different- I said.

-Yes- Yellow said.

-So, any ideas of teaching Pink Diamond a lesson?- I asked.

-Her most recent affair was due because one of her Rose Quartz and then she told me that we can't punish her Gems and also that her troops are better than mine's- Yellow said, starting to laugh –Hahaha! Can you believe that? Pink Diamond's troops better than the ones of the Diamond that commands the military forces of the Gem Empire! Hahahahaha!-

-Yes, I can believe that...- I said very annoyed.

Yellow laughed for a lot of time, which annoyed me a lot. Then, an idea came into my mind to use Yellow's confidence and pride against her.

-Well, since your troops are the best of the Gem Empire, why you don't put your best 15 Gems soldiers against the best 15 Gems soldiers of Pink Diamond? In that way you would teach Pink Diamond a good lesson without hurting her and also you will help her to improve the organization of her military forces- I said.

Yellow stopped to laugh and she started to analyze my idea.

-That's a good idea. When Pink see how my troops easily defeat hers she will finally understand that I was right and she was wrong, so she may finally mature and ask me for help- Yellow said.

-And you will help her?- I asked.

-Of course, I will happily help the little Pink to grow and follow my example- Yellow said with a tone of pride and smug.

-Well, and what will happen if Pink's troops beat yours?- I asked.

-That would never happen, there is no need to worry about that- Yellow said.

-"Yeah, we will see that"- I thought.

I continued to massage Yellow's feet until she said that it was enough. I then get out of Yellow Pearl's body and returned to mine. Yellow Pearl was very confused, as she didn't remembered anything I did while possessing her. My plan to achieve my colony wasn't went as I planned, but I was going to get something more important: the respect of the Diamonds to my court.

My life is part humor, part Diamond, part RoseWhere stories live. Discover now