Chapter 5: Lost in the Wilderness

Beginne am Anfang

Suddenly, a branch swooped down and grabbed a hold of Itachi. Itachi felt something grabbing his left ankle. He looked down and saw another one of those magical branches. It held on to him. He was hanging upside down. He couldn't break free.

Suddenly, he hears footsteps coming toward his direction. Out of the trees came a girl in a white dress. She had a flower on her hair, a white lotus.

She yelled with anger in her voice unhappy of Itachi's appearance,"Just what do you thing you're doing in my forest?" Itachi was mad especially by her attitude.

Itachi crossed his arms. Itachi yelled with anger," Well excuuuuuse me, but your forest took my sword!" He points to his right. While his left hand is on his hip.

She says to him,"I just wanted to use your sword to save one of my fairies, but luring you is even better! Now I don't have to carry that dang heavy sword of yours everywhere I go."

Itachi replies,"dude the sword isn't as heavy as you think."

She wanted to test if it was true so she could release him. The branch threw to her Itachi's sword. She caught it, but the sword was too heavy for her little 10 year old body to handle so she fell straight into the dirty water under the trees.

There was a big splash.

Itachi looks down to her,"Huh what do you know, it is pretty heavy".

She gets up mad that she couldn't hold on to a sword that Itachi can hold. She looks up to Itachi putting her hands on her hips disappointed. She gets mad and snaps her right fingers, making the branch let go of Itachi. Itachi fell straight down, on his face. He makes a medium splash on the dirty water.

A couple of minutes later, he gets up and wipes the dirt off from his white cloak.

Itachi got bored of this and just said it,"*sigh*..., fine, I shall kill this dark fairy of what you speak of," he looks at her with a serious look on his face.

She nodded,"But you better not break my promise got it?!"

He bows down with honor,"I never break a woman's promise."

She was holding on to Itachi's right hand with her left, making sure he wouldn't ditch her. She holds onto his hand tight. She pulls him and leads him to a dry floor path.

She walks through the forest with a mad face. Itachi looks at her without any expression.

She says,"If you kill this dark fairy, it wouldn't harm the fairy it has taken possession of." 

Itachi says,"Is that all I need to know?" 

She says the rest,"Dark fairies send out dark magic to the opponent. The opponent is more successful if he holds a weapon of light, or powers of a god." 

Itachi looks back to his sword,"Oh yeah, the God of horses, Pegasus." She replies,"Exactly."

She stops and lets go of Itachi's hand.

She says to him,"this is as far as I could take you. Any further I get to the dark fairy, the more of an advantage he'll have to kill me".

Itachi nodded,"I understand."

She replies,"Im counting on you."

She fled and hid before the dark fairy could sense her presence.

Itachi looked back to make sure she's gone. He looked forward and got out his sword. He walked into the forest. He was surrounded by tall trees making the sky look limitless.

Suddenly, there was laughing appearing in the background. Itachi's right ear twitched. He heard a voice. He looked up into the sky.

He yelled,"Show yourself!"

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