Until finally, he looked at me again. "Merlin-Ambrose! What the hell do you want?"

"What are you doing?" I asked him innocently, smiling warmly.

He rolled his eyes. "I'm making a parchment crane. What does it look like?"

"I don't know what it looks like. That's why I'm asking."

Draco shook his head at me, continuing his paper crane creation.

"Malfoy," I poked his cheek this time. He swatted my hand away. "Teach me."

Slowly, he lifted his head and turned towards me. "What?"

I wiggled my eyebrows, beaming a wide smile. "Teach me how to make one."

Draco narrowed his eyes suspiciously, almost as if he were trying to decipher whether I were messing with him or not.

"I'm serious!" I urged him. "I want to know how to make one."

Draco pursed his lips before looking back down at his desk. He folded the parchment one more time, pulling a piece and then holding it up for me to see.

He murmured a quiet charm, blowing on the folded up piece of parchment. He let it fly off the palm of his hands, like a real bird soaring away.

The paper wings fluttered as the paper crane flew through the classroom, catching a few people's attention.

I laughed softly, watching the piece of paper soar through the room.

"Here," Draco plucked out a piece of parchment and placed it on my desk. "First fold like this,"

I watched as he folded the piece of paper, urging me to continue myself.

I watched Draco's eyes grow bright in amusement as he taught me what and where to fold the paper. He looked enchanted-for once looking rather content and relaxed. It was a sight for sore eyes. I could watch him fold paper cranes all day.

"You know," he glanced at me. "They say if you fold a thousand, you get a wish granted by the Gods."

I quirked an eyebrow. "Do you-have a wish?"

His eyes glinted. Draco smirked as he leaned away from me. "I have something in mind."

The way to create a paper crane, the process of folding then creasing, turning the paper, folding again. It ran through my head on a loop, the vision of the paper itself in my mind.

I can not lose myself.

I had to hold on.


I craved everything about him in such a consuming manner, it made my body shrink further. Like a piece of fruit, slowly being dried out from the inside. Crumpling slowly. Deteriorating slowly. Agonizingly.

I let him hold me close to his body, I kept my head on his shoulder and I did as he said-I shut up and danced with Draco. It was slow and it was earnest.

I urged my mind to replay each moment of that night-well most of that night. The nice parts. Before I ran away.

The way he held me. The secureness. The comfort. The protectiveness of his hold, the way he kept his arms wrapped around me. I had never felt such a feeling of security and safeguard.

I could never imagine Draco Malfoy to be the one to make me feel such a thing.

I wish I had that right now.

The only thing that finally allowed me to breathe again was the reminder in my memory, the reminder of safeness I knew still existed in Draco's arms.


"Fuck you." I spit at his feet, inching myself back into the wall. I wish the wall would open and swallow me whole.

Samael scowled at me. He pulled me up from the neck, his large hand wrapping entirely around my throat. I wheezed for air, choking from his hold.

"You-dearie, need to watch that tone of yours." He was practically lifting my feet off the ground as he held me up. I couldn't inhale enough oxygen.

"Fuck-you." I hissed the words out, croaking.

Samael's lip curled in a taunt-filled smirk. "A true Gryffindor you are, I see."

I couldn't choke out any words. I was wheezing for air, his grip around my neck only tightening.

Maybe he'll finally kill me, free me from his torture.

Samael leaned his face close to my ear. "Our fun has hardly begun."

He shoved me against the wall before releasing his grip on me, letting my body fall limp to the ground.

I coughed hysterically, struggling to get enough oxygen into my lungs. Nothing felt like a deep enough intake.

I can't do this anymore.

No. I won't let him break me.

I can't.

Samael pulled a knife from thin air. Sharp and sparkling despite the lack of light in the room.

I think I actually stopped breathing.

"Kill me, you bastard," I spat, my teeth grinding against each other. "Do it."

Samael laughed his manic, crude laugh, shaking his head with amusement. "Dearie, what's the fun in that?"

Bending down to my height, he slowly trailed the knife against my cheekbone. I held my breath. It was hard enough to scratch my skin but not cut it.

My heart was pounding. Thumping against my chest. I felt like my chest wall could break right open.

I stared at his glass-like iris as his eyes scanned my face. He watched me as if analyzing a painting in a museum.

Gripping onto one of my forearms, he stared me in the eye. A menacing amusement played across his features. It was sickening. It made my stomach churn.

I stared at him, gaping slightly. I was terrified-despite how much I hated that I was.

Where the hell was all my Gryffindor bravery when I needed it?

It shot through my like a plunging dive that broke the surface of water-the pain. Coursing through my entire body, making my stomach churn from the amount of agonizing pain that was so intense, I could have passed out from it.

I gasped.

With his opposite hand that wasn't gripping forearm, Samael drove the knife through the side of my thigh.

I fell right into him, my body falling limp.

Samael held me up, grinning manically. "Perhaps next, we shall take your tongue for a silver one it is."

He let go of me, my body falling back to the ground.

I clutched my leg, pressing on the gaping wound that was oozing thick red liquid.

I cried out in agony, my mind growing hazy.

It wasn't long before blackness consumed me and I fell unconscious.

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