Sport Fest Festival part 2

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(AN: Only thing I can think of for this chapter)

Izuya was asleep when she felt a gently rubbing from someone as it feels motherly making her to lean into it as it feels like the seventh orb she has felt making her to just hold it close to her chest. The first was floating above her head like an angel really.

The other six orbs are in a circle around her making her to feel protected, safe and sound like she does with Bakugou. She even felt her past lives were the same making her to sleep deeper and feel contain where she is before she heard a voice calling out to her.

"Young Midoriya. Young Midoriya. It's time to wake up. The finals are next, young Midoriya." She drifts away from the orbs and her past lives as she was waking up and she saw both Bakugou and All Might with Nezu in her arms.

It's making her to rubs her eyes before trying to go back to sleep making All Might to laugh as Nezu squeaks in protest as she holds him like a cuddle toy making Aizawa to have blackmail on him really while Bakugou is chuckling really at the site.

"On come, Zuya. The first match is yours." She's a bit more awake at that as she sits up making many to aww at her as this is being fully recorded making many to hold their laughter at Nezu as he's fully pawing at her arm really as Izuya was even walking with him in her arms.

She was up against Sero making her to dodge his tape and Nezu wasn't liking being part of it really. Sero lost when Izuya did a snap kick to his chin making Midnight to declare her the winner as she went back to sleep on Bakugou's lap as Nezu was stuck.

Hound Dog came and he gently took Nezu away from Izuya who was now fully cuddling closer to Bakugou's chest as Nezu sighs of relief since he didn't like it really. He can't fully blame her fully really. She was containt on holding him like she was safe with him near by really.

Izuya was asleep until the next round and she was up against Tokoyami making her to still be very sleepy making him to chuckle as she must of felt warm from the sun really. What no one knows was that she was like this cause she was in heat.

She's making herself sleepy until the heat is gone really which Bakugou knows and doesn't mind her sleeping in until the heat is gone as he takes her being sick during that time really. Izuya ducks and dodges while being sleepy really.

She grabs Dark Shadow's wrist and spins making Tokoyami to go for a ride before she throw him out of bounds and into Tsuyu's arms making many to think match making while still sleeping making Tsuyu to kiss Tokoyami on the lips.

He was blushing up a storm as Izuya was declared the winner of the match. The third round was next and she was up against a boy named Shinso Hitoshi who was the purple hair boy making him to not like this at all really as she is sooo sleepy that his Quirk might not work on her really.

Shinso doesn't even know how to handle this really as she's still sleepy and yawns cutely making many to blush at her fully. Oh he hates that he's blushing at the site really. How is he going to fight her if she has him with her here really?

"Oi! You're Midoriya Izuya from class 1-A, correct?" She just nods making this to be harder it seems.

'Think! Think!' He got an idea.

'I hope it works!'

"I heard your mother was here and she was abusive towards you for so long since age five and a-half really all because your father left her. Also heard she showed up and hurted you again." A negative reaction as she tightens her hold on her arms crossed across her chest with her having pure fear, fright and terror in her eyes really.

It's making him to flinch badly as he didn't think it fully would have be this bad really as now everyone was fully watching her panic as someone secretly had Shinso use it against her and Vlad King glares for that as it was every single day and she could have died fully really.

"Ei! Ei! I don't want to go back to her! I don't want to go back to her! Eeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaah!" Izuya screams at the end as lots of green lightning was zapping from her body as it's hitting the ground the walls, the sky and a very large barrier around the crowd really.

It was making her to have tears going down her face as she's really upset before a warm hand gently rubs her head making her to calm with hiccups as everyone saw the figure was very ghostly and All Might was shocked as only he knows who that is fully really.

'Bashi-sama?! (AN: Got it from the YouTube video called: Class 1-B reacting to class 1-A really) How is she fully here?!' All Might was shocked as no one else can tell who she is before Izuya was fully calm and she saw the woman then before she said it.

"Baa-sama?" The woman smiles and she kisses her forehead before vanishing making All Might to fully freak and be fully shocked as it's impossible really. Izuya looks to Shinso and he saw she still has it, but she's furies at him making him to freak badly.

She took out her gun before she made him dodge them all as he dodged and then jumps down to the stairs and he shivers at her as Midnight fully declares Izuya the winner of the match really as now everyone was shocked at her really.

That much fear towards her own mother? What happened to cause it really? Bakugou holds his sister as she did adopt him into the clan with his parents making them to be safe from anything that would kill them really which they loved. Bakugou-Shimura-Zelretch-Zulu-Midoriya Katsuki was his new name.

Izuya was up against Todoroki in the fourth round as he knows she strong if the green lightning fully means anything. She's been fully training for so long to handle the new information and the new skills that she's too powerful and could be a Pro-Hero anyway with it now.

She dodged his ice by flying in the air and sent her own ice making him to use his own before she brings out Artemis in rod form and knocks him around as she heard Bakugou cheering her on making her to knocks him out really.

Midnight declares her the winner making Bakugou to cheer loudly as he explodes and shouts loudly "YEAH! THAT'S MY SISTER!" which was making Izuya to blush as she puts Artemis away and leaves making her to still be blushing up a storm because of it really.

Izuya noticed her fourth opponent is Mina herself making her to be smirking and they did a cat fight without Quirks making many to cheer as they were awesome out there making Bakugou to letcher Izuya if she loses any pieces of her clothing out there really.

He had even included Ashido into it as well, too. Izuya dodged kicks and punches before she had flew up as she shoots ice shards at Mina who used her acid to melt all of the ice before Izuya kick her out of bound really making many to cheer for them really.

Bakugou won against Kirishima and he was now up against her making them to smirk as they have that look in their eyes before letting lose making many to cheer super loudly as both wasn't even holding back on each other really.

It's making lots to send for them to join their agency for the week's internships making All Might to know his mentor is going to take her as she needs more control on OFA really. Sir Nighteye was fully shocked and noticed how strong she is really.

Izuya has Bakugou in a triangle choke hold making her to fall onto her back and flip him over as she moves and holds his right arm in her hold while keeping his head in the choke hold really. Bakugou was about to blast her if he didn't have floating ice spikes at his body.

"Can you move?" Bakugou thumbs down for a 'no' making Izuya to win the Sport Fest Festival making her to smile as she can't believe it really. After All Might hands out the medals, Izuya was smiling as she looks at the medal around her neck really.

"Want titanaboa steaks for supper with mashed potatoes and carrots with homemade bread?" Bakugou nods as both his parents are fully coming over making her to nod as she has a form cup with some Spinosaurus blood which tastes like it's fully hot chocolate with small colored marshmallows.

"Why does the blood taste different to you really?"

"No clue, onii-chan. No clue."

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