U.A Entrance Exam

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Both saw All Might again as they were at the beach at nighttime only and were cleaning it up for muscle training and are going slowly as she still hurts from her injuries and she can't make copies even if they give her the muscles, it would cause pain to her really.

They have bright lights above the two that no one else can see and they still think it's dark all over the beach really making it easier to hide what they have been doing really as this works better for the two as it's also Community Service by two great Samaritans.

"NICE TO SEE YOU TWO AGAIN! I'M GLAD YOU'RE CLEANING THE BEACH UP FOR IT TO BE USED AGAIN!" They saw All Might and she had accidentally dropped a microwave onto her right feet and the boy was quick to cover her mouth fast.

"SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO SCARE YOU!" All Might felt bad and hands over a medical tackle box making the boy to fix her up as she sniffs a bit. All Might got the story they're both training and working slowly while being careful making him to nod as that is impressive for them both to do that really.

He helps with their training and he gave them a diet to help out and they can add a bit of other stuff to it making them to stick to the diet for ten months making them to look better, but the girl was still injured making All Might to take them to the hospital.

The girl shivers and jumps into the boy's arms scared making All Might confused and he called a friend who was Recovery Girl making it easier for the girl really as she was listing just about fully everything about the Pro-Hero Healer and how much medical knowledge it took for her really...

"To be the Number One Healing Heroine!" The girl kept going on and on making the boy to fully chuckle as the woman was just blushing fully at being called the 'Number One Healing Heroine' by a girl she's checking on for All Might at U.A Academy's infirmary.

Nezu, the principal of U.A was on All Might's right shoulder enjoying the amusement of this whole thing really. Recovery Girl was done and she gave an autograph for her like Nezu did as it'll take a while to get the results back for them all really. All Might went with her as he has a bad feeling.

"Well, Chiyo?"

"You were right. Child abuse and school abuse. She needs a lot of help. That boy... He claimed her as his. As in he claimed her as his sister, his treasure, his territory and his follow sidekick. If they pass, keep them in the very same classroom at all times. Partnered up for a lot of training as well, too really.

They need to stay together." She can't say anymore as she needs to keep it classified for her patients really. Their Quirks are fully just collaborating and rotating round each other meaning the boy's Explosion Dragon Quirk is like a star taking energy from another star that's releasing a lot of energy really.

The beach was fully cleaned from both sides and a watch tower was placed to guard it making many to pay fines for littering the beach really. All Might choose the girl to be his successor making them to be confused before he shows them what he means and explains why really.

"I'm still confused. Why me and not Kaachan?"

"Why did you want to be a Hero?"

"Heh! It's simple for me! To be the strongest and powerful Hero there is plus defeat you! And not only that!" All Might was starting to worry here.

"I want to save kids from being abused by their parents and from their very own school!" All Might was shocked as the girl hugs him and he fully rumbles at her as he rubs his head onto her own head.

"And you, young lady?"

"I just want to save people! I don't want the attention or the fame! That's why I'm going Underground Hero route and helping Kaachan if he needs it!" All Might smiles and he explains that's what his successor needs and explains how it's passed through DNA.

"Saliva should work easier and much better to digest really." All Might was confused until he got kissed as his saliva went into her mouth and she swallows it, but Kaachan chuckles as All Might was her first kiss making her to blush and shutters at him.

All Might never though the day would come for him to lose his first kiss like that really especially by a fan girl/successor really. Nezu chuckles as Recovery Girl won the bet with Sir Nighteye over this really. They went to do the test since it's today.

She actually gave Present Mic two loud yeahs and he called her his favorite listener which she fully comments she listens to his radio station more and keeps sending fan mail for her favorite heroes through him to read to them really.

"OH YEAH! ERASERHEAD WAS A BLUSHING MESS AFTER I READ HIS FAN MAIL! EVER PLAN TO BE A SINGER, LITTLE LISTENER, I'M YOUR MAN!" She agrees and gave a yeah at the same time as him making him to love her now.

Kaachan kept others away from her and he growls dangerously at them making them to see the very sharp teeth and stays away from them. Once they got there, they were fast with a nod to Present Mic before he smiles as he gave a speech about action Heroes.

"AND TWO HAD JUST STARTED THE TEST! VILLAINS WOULDN'T WAIT FOR YOU!" Many bolted fast once they saw that both 'Midoriya Izuya' and 'Bakugou Katsuki' has fifteen villain attacks and secretly fifty rescue points making them to scream at the two really.

Izuya was being careful since she's still recovering and she doesn't plan to get hurt as they are far ahead of the others. She treats the dummies like they were 'human civilians' hurt and needs medical attention. Bakugou was attacking robots to protect her and her 'patients' really.

All Might was laughing as the others were shocked at their actions and their movements really. Nezu picked their future homeroom teacher who sighs as he has a feeling both of them are his really. Izuya ducks and closes her eyes, but she saw something strange as she forces on it really.

It was like auras and she can see everything in third person view making her to see she has four older orbs and eight newer orbs inside of her really. There's strings connecting the eight newer ones together like the older one is the first and then the second and then the third, ect, ect, ect.

She gently pokes the first one and it jumps making her to gently hold it which made it gently glow as she holds it closer and she can feel the orb has a soul inside of it that feels male and she gently rubs it with her right hand making it to relax more in her hold really.

"May I use some of your power, please sir?" Izuya wasn't sure why she was asking, but it feels like her power, strength, speed and even the endurance has fully increased making her to feel it's only one percent really making her to see someone in trouble really.

She bolts and punches the robot in the face sending it backwards and it was hitting twenty more robots behind it making Bakugou to send a huge explosion straight at them making them to get twenty more from behind the first twenty in front really.

"Thanks." The girl said to them both making them to help her up. Nezu was pleased as after the test, Izuya explains what she felt and the orbs really to All Might, Nezu, Recovery Girl and to Bakugou, but left her four out of it since she knows that Bakugou knows about them already really.

"It seems you felt the orbs of the previous users really. And you asking means you want to work together with them. You felt the first user of the Quirk and he had made the orb glow warm meaning he's letting you use it.

One for All. I'm surprised by this really." They went to sleep back home after a good supper as they sleep making the three back at U.A Academy to think about what they had just discovered about Izuya fully really.

"I know she has that Clan inside of her really and if she does have a Quirk, she won't die from One For All ever really." Nezu said as All Might nods his head and he went to bed as this day has been a tiring one for all five of them really.

'I hope she'll be alright in the future.'

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