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Well, here I am again. It's certainly kind of liberating writing this for you Steven. As you might know, I Rose Quartz, was also Pink Diamond. Yeah, very ironic that I am my worst enemy by both sides and that a lot Gems hates me for being the Rose Quartz and the "crybaby" Pink Diamond. However, if you had already read "Planting a Rose" and "Every Rose Has It's Thorns", you might now already that I become a Quartz, Shining Star, thousands of years before I become THE Rose Quartz, leader of the Crystal Gems.

I don't know if I will have the time to write my whole life before your birth (and my doom). Certainly is hard to write thousands of years in just a few months, but I will make a big effort to, at least, write the most important passages of my life so you, as well Garnet, Pearl and Nora/Amethyst will understand me better, besides I am not brave enough to tell them the truth while I am still alive.

If you ever read this, I know that you will be pretty mad at me and disappointed. Believe that I am also disappointed of myself. I did terrible things in my life, killed millions of people, conquered a lot of planets, in order to achieve a stupid colony and now I can't simply tell you the truth because I am afraid of losing you. If you found this before I die, please confront me, insult me, attack me, but please don't attack Steven. He is innocent, is not his fault that his mother was a member of the "Great" Diamond Authority as well the leader of the Crystal Gems.

You know, I wished the things were different, that the war developed different, that the Diamonds will cease their intends to "defend my honor" (they said that to me but I felt that it was more to suppress any further intent of revolt at any other colonies of the Gem Empire) and leave Earth to their inhabitants and the Crystal Gems. But nothing of that happened and we can't change the past, we can only live the present and walk toward the future. Even the Diamonds can travel in time.

We aren't goddesses, we aren't perfect, we also have our limitations. But White Diamond didn't wanted to accept that we aren't just perfect, that she wasn't perfect. She believed that everything that she made was perfect that that her creations were the ones that had flaws, including of course myself. We suffered for her impossible dreams of perfection. We as well the life beings of the universe.

However, I always wondered why she didn't shattered me I think that it is because she loved be. I saw in her eyes. White was able to hide any of her emotions but I knew her feeling looking to her eyes. There I could see her feelings. Why she considered having feeling a weakness, I don't know, but her close mind and obstinacy to achieve perfection already started the fragmentation of Gem Empire (the Crystal Gems) and might cause in the future the demise of Diamonds and maybe, the extinction of the Gem race. Besides everything that she has made to me, to my Crystal Gems comrades, to a lot of planets, to billions of people, I don't wish that for her, but if she don't change of mind, her fate will be settled.

My life is part humor, part Diamond, part RoseWhere stories live. Discover now