I couldn't stop the night from replaying in my head. It wouldn't stop. My mind wouldn't stop spinning. I was exhausted and starting to feel like I was really losing my mind.

It was right in front of you.

What was right in front of me?

Draco does not have feelings for me. That's-that's just not possible.

He's hated me since-since forever. All he does is mock me, insult me, torment me. How could that possibly translate to him having feelings for me?

It does not make sense.

He turned the tables so abruptly, pulling a 180 on me and it was-completely taking me for a spin. I couldn't form a single comprehendible thought in my head.

And that was exactly how the rest of the holidays went. I was losing my mind, thinking about Draco non-stop. No matter how much I thought, I wasn't able to figure a single thing out.

"Here Ronald, eat this." George held out a wrapped candy for Ron to take.

Ron eyed it suspiciously. "I'm not a fool, George. It's probably one of your trick candies. Next thing I know, my ears will have grown the size of an elephants."

Fred snickered quietly, then tried to cover it up. "We would do no such thing. It's just chocolate."

Ron gave him a flat look. "I don't believe you." Ron swatted George's hand away.

Ginny leaned into my side and nudged me. "Hey-are you okay?"

"What?" I blinked, pulling myself back into the current conversation. I was far too caught up in my head. I hadn't been paying attention to anything the Weasleys were talking about. "Oh, yeah. Sorry. I'm just tired."

Ginny gave me a flat look. "I don't believe you. There's something on your mind, isn't there?"

I fiddled with my fingers. I didn't know if I could even tell anyone what happened between Draco and I. None of my friends were entirely fond of Draco. I doubted it was something they'd like to hear.

I forced a smile. "Really-it's nothing."

By now, the twins and Ron had caught onto mine and Ginny's conversation.

Fred leaned forward, narrowing his eyes to slits as he analyzed me. "Go on, spill it then. What's on your mind, Lys?"

I waved a hand in his face, shooing him away. "Nothing. I'm telling you lot, I'm just tired."

George snorted. "You make a poor liar, Ambrose. I'd think with all the time you spend with Slytherins you'd be quite good at it."

I frowned. "Pansy and Blaise are not liars."

George rolled his eyes, leaning back on the couch. "I was not referring to them."

I sucked in a sharp breath.

Even without me mentioning Malfoy, someone else had to. It almost seemed like a sign.

"It's about Malfoy, isn't it? Whatever is on your mind." Fred looked at me through squinted eyes, smirking when he felt like he had hit the target right on the head. I wasn't surprised that he could see right through me.

I scoffed, sipping on my hot cocoa. "No-of course not. Why would you even suggest such a thing?" I forced a laugh. "Why would I be thinking about Draco Malfoy? That's ridiculous."

Ron winced lightly. "Georgie's right-you make a terrible liar, Elys."

I grumbled, my face scrunching. "Shut up, you lot."

"What is it then?" Fred continued. "Do tell. We want to know."

"It's-" I shook my head frantically, exasperating. "It's nothing."

"Boys, if she doesn't want to talk about it, just leave it alone." Ginny shook her head at her brothers, giving them all pointed looks.

I shot her a grateful smile.

And the boys did drop it but Freddie eyed me suspiciously. He knew something was going on, he knew something was bothering me.

When the others had left to go to sleep, only Fred and I sat in the living room playing cards.

"I don't understand why muggles call it go fish," Fred tossed his cards down on the coffee table, having given up. "Go fish? Who calls a card game go fish? This game has nothing to do with fishing."

I laughed as I placed my own cards down. We sat on the ground by the coffee table. I outstretched my legs in front of me. "Uncle Sirius says it's just to confuse those who actually take note to the name of the game."

Fred cocked his head to the side in thought. "Well he's right because it is confusing."

I leaned my head down on Freddie's shoulder, sighing deeply. "We go back to Hogwarts soon."

Fred nodded. "We do. Are you looking forward to it?"

I shrugged lightly. "I do miss Hermione-and Pansy."

Fred looked down at me, narrowing his eyes. "Is that all of whom you miss?"

Keeping my head on his shoulder, I craned my neck up to look at him. I laughed breathily. "What-do you expect me to be missing Snape? Or perhaps Filch?"

Fred chortled. "I was actually referring to a particular ferret boy-who seems to be occupying your thoughts lately."

I sighed sharply, resting my head back down on his shoulder properly. "I have not a clue what makes you think that to be true, Freddie."

Fred paused for a moment before speaking softly, "You're my best friend, Lys. I know you. You can tell me."

I stayed silent for a long moment.

"Would you-would you think it was absolutely deranged if I said Draco Malfoy has feelings for me?"

Fred hesitated, then breath out a laugh. I lifted my head to look at him, my eyebrows pulled together in puzzlement.

"Sorry-" he cleared his throat. "I'm not laughing because the idea is funny. I'm laughing because-well-"

I narrowed my eyes to slits. "What is it, Freddie? Go on, tell me."

"Oh, Elys." Fred tilted his head to the side, sighing deeply. "I'm laughing because it's taken you years to ask that question, to consider such a thing."

I stared at him, bewildered. "What?"

Fred leaned back, exhaling deeply. "Elysia, Malfoy doesn't hate you. Do you think I'd let him be alive right now if those insults and ridicules were truly rooted from hatred that could actually cause you harm or hurt?"

I clasped my mouth shut.

Fred laughed softly as he patted my shoulder whilst standing up. "You're not looking at him when he's looking at you. The rest of us-we're the ones who notice."

My eyebrows furrowed.

Fred shot me a soft smile, nodding a goodnight as he headed out of the living room.

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