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The blue sky was speckled with velvety white clouds. Afternoon sun lit the buildings with it's warm glow.

Unaware of the beautiful weather of the outside, Clara was in her office, going through some documents regarding their new nightclub in Chicago when the phone, placed at the desk, rang. She saw the name of the dialler, Lewis it was. She rolled her eyes and recieved the call, "What now ?" Clara questioned, uninterested in listening to him as she thought it was again about Chloe.

"I guess I have found their location." Lewis replied. That single statement got Clara's attention, as she leaned forward on the table as an indication of her interest in the conversation.

"Where are they ?" Monotonously, she asked.

"I am not sure...but I think they are hidden somewhere in the forest, outside the city."

"How do you know ?" She questioned and heard him take a sharp intake of breath then say, "I did my research and collected a little information on the two. They regularly went to this nightclub somewhere in Mott Haven. I have been visiting there for sometime hoping that they might show up and gladly, yesterday night they did."

"You have any idea why they were there ?"

"You're not gonna like the reason" He whispered. "They were sitting by the bar, waiting for someone when I saw your man, Ferdinand walking over to them. I couldn't hear thier talk. All I know is that they had Chloe with them, something had happened to her. By the time I rushed to the terrace, I saw Williams carrying her in his arms." Envy was evident in his voice. "....and then he let Ferdinand go and they left as well. I followed them."

"Hmm...." Clara hummed and reclined in her chair. "So he betrayed us." She spoke, such that her anger wasn't visible in her voice but inwards, she was seething.

"Once you locate them, I'll go with them this time. I don't trust them with her." Gravely, he stated.

"Are you telling me, you're gonna.....hold..a gun in your hand after all these years ?...Wouldn't dad have been proud ?" She remarked.

"I don't fu**ing care. I said, I will go with them. Just find their location and I'll reach her on my own, and then we will both be out of it." Clara hummed again and ended the call.

Lewis hurled his phone at the corner of his bed and laid down. Anger welled up in his chest upon having flashbacks of Chloe curled up in Sam's arms. However, more than that he was concerned about the reason she ended up like that and what was she doing there with them at first place. At that moment, his mind was a carousal of unanswered questions.

Back at the house, Chloe and Markus were sitting in the living room where Markus had briefly narrated the important part of their yesterday's conversation with the man, Ferdinand to Chloe.

"So you got her location ?" Chloe asked.

"He doesn't have any idea of it. He met her only when she was here in NYC."

" now ?"

"Now ? we know who we're fighting up against. We just have to find them." Chloe frowned and gave him a nod, unable to understand how easy would it be to find someone if Markus was so relaxed about it or was he just pretending to be relaxed for her. She was perplexed but then again she realised that they were mafias and anything was possible.

They were busy having their conversation, with her telling him about her parents and more about her school life when the sound of unlocking of door caught their attention. Their head jerked in the direction and door opened to reveal Sam, who had visited the campus to talk to the father. He walked further inside and flopped down next to Markus meanwhile Chloe fetched a glass of water for him. He looked at her for a moment before taking it from her hand. Hair on the back of neck stood up from the little contact of her skin with his. Before getting caught, she returned to her seat.

"How did it go ?" Markus asked.

"Go back to your room." Sam said to Chloe. Half heartedly, she obeyed. She walked to her room and slowly close the door behind her. Her lips curved up into a pout as she flopped down on the bed.
"I want to know about it too." She mumbled to herself when an idea popped into her mind.

She walked to the door.
"I am very sorry, I know it's bad manner." She apologised as if she was talking to them. Then slowly opened the door slightly and hid behind the door in an attempt to eavesdrop.

"Now she fu**ing wants revenge for her dead husband." Agitated, she heard Markus speak.

"As if that mo**er fu**er was innocent." Sam replied. She could feel his anger from his words. Oblivious to the context of their talk, her brows knitted together in confusion as Markus only told him that she was leader of a rival gang that they had defeated in the past and now she seeked revenge. "I lost it all cause of him." The way Sam spoke it, it felt as if words flew subconsciously out of his mouth. Her heart burnt upon hearing the longing tone behind the sentence as she tried to connect it's hidden sense with the events of that night when she had seen his vulnerable side.

"Once we find her, we're gonna bring this to end forever." Markus said. That was all she heard before she glided by the bed and sat down, then laid down. Her mind was in frenzy from all the thinking. She really wished that he could trust her enough to let her walk inside his heart.

Soon sleep overtook her whereas Markus and Sam went to their rooms as well to take some rest.

Meanwhile Clara sent some of her men to search for their hideout in the jungle.

Around five men entered the umber brown leafy heaven unaware of a secret passage that lead up to the cliff. One man remained back, observing the forest from outside and navigated his team mates with the help of a drone. It's dark green shade acted as a camouflage in the forest.

Twigs crunched while branches snapped as they moved forward. As far as their head could lift, all they could see was majestic trees. They were diligent caretakers of the woods and stood proudly, intimidating them. Although forest was not considered very dangerous because there weren't any carnivorous mammals there, however, it was dangerous enough, cause of a few venomous reptiles it sheltered.

"Got no other place to hide, those morons." Annoyed, one of the men said as he removed a huge leaf of some plant from his way. "I will kill them on my own once we find them." The other said, agreeing to him. Meanwhile the others walked in silence.

They had covered a distance of a mile or two, when they heard their navigator say, "I see a house at the cliff...I am not sure if they are in there or not. It's not properly visible. I'll try to lay low and find a way to move up. You can return." Others agreed and returned.

The man tried to keep the drone as low as possible without being obstructed and flew the drone around the cliff, in an attempt to find a track, that lead them up there.

Few moments later, through the drone, he saw top half of a pathway. He took the drone across the cliff, on the other side of the forest and saw a pathway, flanked by trees on either side.

"So that's the way." He whispered in undertones. Till then, others were back too.

"I found the way, we should leave for now." He said to them. They gave him a nod, then seated themselves in the car and drove away.


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