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Five days have passed ever since that night, All wounds and injuries of Sam and Markus were nearly healed and they  were ready to make their rivals bleed whereas Chloe, more than ever, was desperate to know about his demons that lured him into relying on that amber liquid to find solace.

Many times, she had seen him getting angry and frustrated, burning himself along with the one his anger was directed towards. But now as she watches, she realises that his anger was only a defence mechanism to prevent anyone from looking at the pain that he hid beneath, making it hard for any soul to unravel it.

Currently, Sam and Markus were washing their car and Chloe was preparing tangy orange juice to rehydrate the two hard working men.

Once she was done she served it in three glasses and carried outside.

"You should take a little break now." She spoke, placing the tray down on the bench.

"We're almost done" Enthused, Markus replied. Chloe sat down and watched them. They both looked so handsome and appealing in those wet shirts that clung to their bodies like a second skin. However, for her, Sam was under the  spotlight.

With a sponge in his hand he was cleaning the front hood of the car to perfection. He was so focused at his work that he had overheard her voice. It was only when he was done and raised his head, he saw her.

She pointed towards the glasses. After washing their hands and face, Markus and Sam joined Chloe and sat down on either sides of her.

"I freaking needed it." Markus muttered, devouring the sharp and piquant flavour of the juice. Chloe smiled and sipped on her's. Meanwhile Sam was also sipping onto the juice silently when his phone began to ring. He placed the glass aside, and walked by the car, trailed by their gazes.

And as they observed, they saw his brows creasing, indicating at the distressing words the person on the other side had said. He massaged his forehead and replied, "Alright." Then, he returned and flopped next to her.

"What is it now ?" Markus asked. In meantime, Chloe silently listened their conversation.

"Earlier this morning, we recieved a post. An anonymous person has asked us to meet him at the night club tonight. He says he knows something that's important to us."

"What if it's a trap ?" Markus questioned.

"We can only be careful." She listened to thier conversation. His concluding words were like kerosene fuelling the fires of her fear. Knowing that there was no certainty of their safety, her stomach churned and gloominess masked her eyes.

Sam turned and found her sad and almost unblinking eyes staring straight ahead. It was then he realised that he would have to drop her at the campus before leaving.

"You'll have to stay at the campus until we return." He told her. Immediately, her head swung in his direction. He could tell that she was apprehensive but he knew she would be safer there than with them.

" please don't leave me there." Softly, she requested. "You'll be safe there, Chloe." Markus explained. She looked at him and then at Sam. "I know I will be safer with you. Please don't leave me there. I promise I won't leave the car. Please." She whispered gently, looking in his eyes. They held each others eyes for a brief moment as she magically conveyed her message, "I really feel safe with you." with her eyes. Without uttering another word, he rose up from his seat and left for his room.

A sigh of worry escaped Markus' lips as he turned to Chloe, "Chloe, things can turn out to be dangerous and we might not be able protect you." Upon hearing his words a thought crossed her mind, "I will gladly take a bullet for him than just sit back and die every passing second."

"Chloe, what are you thinking ?" Markus questioned upon receiving no response from her. "I just feel safe with you both."
Markus stood up, letting out a slow controlled breath.

"I know Chloe but you'll need much stronger reason than that to convince us." He said and walked away as well. Chloe just sat there, with her head resting in between her palms.

"Now what do I do ?" She mumbled to herself.

About half an hour had passed since she was trying to think of a "stronger reason" as Markus calls it, so that she could tag along with them. But nothing logical came to her mind and she plummeted down on the bed.

"There's nothing you can do to help them ?" She mumbled to herself, feeling hopeless. She laid down and closed her eyes, "Come on Chloe, think...think...think." She repeated when an idea popped into her mind.

An hour or so she spent in practicing to speak up her mind without getting intimidated by them, especially Sam.
And then, with newly found hope, she quietly exited her room and walked to the living room where Sam and Markus were discussing about the message Sam  had told them about.

As soon as they saw her coming their way, Markus spoke, "Hope you agree with us now ?" Chloe gulped. Gently disregarding his words, she whispered, "I want to help you." They both sighed simultaneously. Sam stood up and moved closer to her. Her heart was beating so loudly she was afraid that he would be able to listen her heartbeats.

"And how do you think you're gonna do that ?" Gravely, he asked, in his low and husky voice. "I....I...can watch over the place and tell you if there are any approaching threats." The idea subconsciously came to her mind cause of the thousand mystery thriller movies that she had watched. Yet as enticing her idea was, he was still not convinced.

"We'll be fine." He said, and seated himself again, "And you're gonna stay at the campus." He stated firmly. She looked up at him and lowered her head again. For hours she had practiced so as to not get intimidated by him just this one time and she wasn't going to accept failure.

"Last time someone tried to bomb Markus' car, what if that happens again and this time you don't come to know." Words flowed uninterrupted into another from her mouth. Their faces jerked up, she lifted her gaze too.

"I can keep an eye around and communicate with you if I'll find anyone suspicious also I can easily hide in the car so that I don't get caught either." Markus had a surprised expression, his eyes were wide and mouth hung slightly open. He had never seen her talk so confidently infront of Sam ever since their first meeting. And he certainly liked this feisty side of her. For a short moment Sam was surprised just the same but he quickly masked it with his emotionless face. "I know you still don't believe me as much as Markus does that's why I have no problem even if you lock the car." She said to Sam. After that they all fell in silence and Markus and Sam pondered over the pros and cons and finally, they seemed convinced.

"Alright, you're gonna come with us." Her eyes brightened up. "But meanwhile, take some rest, then dress up in something dark." He added, assessing her bright green tunic top paired with white jeans. Smiling, she nodded and went back into her room.

"She is something else." Markus muttered to which Sam hummed, keeping his gaze focused at her retreating figure.

Meanwhile, Chloe was excited and equally nervous and only time could tell how things were gonna roll out for her and others.


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