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"What ? What do you mean ? He looks exactly....ughhh. So fu**ing fast." Catherine exasperated and flopped down on the sofa, next to Miles and Rick. Miles put his hand on her lap. She turned to face him and immediately recieved a short smile from him before she shrugged his hand off.

Currently, alongwith Adam and his team, Sam was in the same apartment where he came to rest earlier. It was three in the morning. Adam and Sam were standing silently infront of the man, who refused to call himself Carl.

"Speak." Adam stated, authoritatively.
Sam let out a slow and controlled breath. Walking towards the couch, placed adjacent to the sofa, he sat down.

"My name is Richard Weesly. The man began to speak. "I lived at the Allen Street....with my wife and a daughter. I owned a garage. We were living a happy and peaceful life-" He continued and looked up at Sam. He could see and so could the others, the pain in his eyes. The man let out a jagged breath, "-but one day, when I was returning from my garage, some...some men came from behind and covered my face and next thing I knew...was being tied to a chair inside an old warehouse. A man, Bridge, I remember his name was came and offered me a job. He wanted me to get a surgery and look like...Carl, as you call him. However, I refused and they let me go." Sam and others had a suspicious look, nevertheless they listened.

"I was surprised. Little did I knew what came next. They dropped me at the same place, infront of my garage. I got back to my home. Later that night, after we had our dinner. I got a call from fire department. Those people burnt my garage. Frustrated, I hurried and got there. My wife and daughter were still at home....and that was my mistake-" His fist clenched. He seemed lonely and desperate."-I got a call from my wife's phone, and it wasn't her on the call but the same man as before." He said, "You know where to come." A lone tear rolled down his cheeks. "I had to do as they said, for them." Emotions flooded his eyes, indicating at his honesty yet in an attempt to confirm his truthfulness Miles asked, "Why should we believe you ?"

Richard's head shot up, he looked shocked. Taking another deep breath, "You think I'd lie after watching all that." he said referring to their previous attack on the Carl's house. "Still you can go and check up yourself. Allen Street, house no. 37. You'll find a woman, named Melissa and a little girl, Helen. And street 51, you'll find ashes of the garage. You can ask anyone about the owner."

"Rick." Adam called, as if asking him to check. Rick nodded. "Please don't hurt them." Richard requested and Rick left thereafter.

Just like others, Sam was exasperated, he stood up with a jerk and walked towards the another room.

"If what you told us is all, then until we find those people you're gonna stay with us and.....if there is even a smallest thing that you know but you're not telling us. Then you know the consequences better. Cause by hook or crook we will find it out." Sam spoke in his intimidating voice, leering at him dangerously and then, he sauntered inside the room. As he laid down on the bed, he thought of calling Markus but he was in no mood of listening so he simply texted him about his whereabouts and placed the phone aside.

By and by, the morning came and the sun unwrapped it's golden rays. Last night was another tough one for Sam as he couldn't sleep during the most part of it. Whenever he tried, his mind began to think of the ways of catching their culprit with no logical outcome. It was only after the clock hit 3:30 a.m, he dozed off.

"Keep an eye on him and keep your guard up." Sam stated.

"Yeah" Adam replied.

Currently they were by a private helipad as Sam was returning to New York. They bid their goodbyes and the pilot lifted the helicopter off the ground.

By the time Sam reached New York, he was drained of all the energy. He felt stiffness in his muscles and all his wounds ached badly. He drove to the house like his limbs didn't belong to him.

Shortly he reached his destination. Upon hearing the sound of the approaching vehicle, Chloe peeked out from the kitchen window and immediately a happy smile etched across her lips as a sense of relief washed over her.

She turned off the gas knob and rushed into the living room, Markus, who was sitting on the sofa, looking at Sam's text got alerted as if someone has thrown a grenade at him.

"What are you doing ?" He asked Chloe, regaining his calm posture.

"He is back." That's all she said before sprinting towards the door and unlocking it. As those words left her mouth, Markus stood up and hurriedly followed her.

She opened the door and saw him getting out of the car. She watched, and her smile faded, he had several cuts on his face and was having a hard time standing straight. Just then he looked up and their eyes found each other. His eyes held their usual cold and emotionless stare but she was still drawn closer to him and he himself knew that a part of him felt relieved to be back as well.

"Help him." Slowly, Markus said bringing her out of her daydream. She nodded and dashed towards Sam.

"Let me help you." Politely, she asked and without wasting another minute, he nodded in approval. This time, he didn't fight, instead gently placed his hand in her's. She couldn't ignore the warmth that filled her body. She lowered her head, hiding her rosy cheeks and silently lead him to his room, by the bed.

"Take some rest." She whispered, he nodded again and laid down. Chloe left the room and flopped down on the sofa, near Markus.

"Aren't prayers magical ?" Smiling, she asked. In response to her question, Markus simply smiled.


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Stay healthy
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