I laughed as I watched him run like he was being chased by mountain trolls.

I turned back to look out at the sky. Fred and George's fireworks were still sparkling in the sky, making the whole world around light up in flashing colours. The noise was so loud, it was nearly deafening.

"Don't tell me you've done this."

I spun around. "Malfoy. What brings you up here?"

Draco slowly walked towards me, glancing out at the fireworks. "The astronomy tower happens to be a... comfort place of mine. I see you have infected this place as well."

I glared at him from the corner of my eye. "Kind as always, you are."


That was a new one. A rather crude one.


"Oi, wench."

I gritted my teeth as I turned to look at Draco. "What do you want?" As much as our squabbles were sometimes amusing enough for me to humour Draco, I currently was anything but in the mood.

Draco's eyebrows pulled together in confusion. He was surprised that I was in no mood to humour him with matching insults and taunts. "What's got you in such a twist today, Ambrose?"

I looked back down at the textbook I was reading in the library. "Can't you see I'm busy studying, Malfoy? Must you never have the least bit of decency to leave me in peace?"

Draco paused for a moment before scoffing. "I have to admit, your current demeanour is slightly depressing. You're not even going to insult me?"

I sucked in a sharp breath. Must I even muster a response? Frankly, there was no point.

Draco sighed dramatically as he pulled out the chair across from mine and helped himself to sit down. I didn't look up from my book. "Why bother studying, Ambrose? I've been told you're rather smart and studying is hardly necessary for you."

Slowly, I raised my head. "Is there something you needed?"

Draco's eyes narrowed as he peered at me carefully, thoughtfully. "You're scaring me."

My eyebrows raised tiredly. "Scaring you?"

"You've not insulted me once."

I laughed dryly. "You're so concerned that I haven't bothered humouring you with insults today? What-are you desperate for the need to cry?"

Draco laughed. "Must you be so charming, Ambrose?"

I sighed, looking back down at my textbook. "Leave me be, Malfoy."

"What's got you in such a mood? Is it-the time?"

I snapped my gaze up at him. "Don't you speak to a woman like that, Malfoy."

Draco quirked an eyebrow. "Hit a sore spot, have I?"

My patience was running dangerously thin. I looked at the textbook although I was no longer focused on my studies. I wanted nothing more than to strangle Draco. Why couldn't he just leave me alone-for once?

"Come on. Give me something, Ambrose."

"I treasure the time I don't have to spend with you."

Draco snickered quietly. "Why must you play so hard to get when you're already so hard to want?"

I froze.

So hard to want.

Draco noticed that I had been taken aback by his remark. "Don't tell me you're about to cry now, Ambrose. That was hardly the worst I've said to you. Is that the real sore spot-that nobody wants poor little Elysia?"

I sucked in a sharp breath, clenching my jaw.

I slammed my textbook shut and stood up. Draco watched me, surprise and a hint of fear flashing across his eyes.

"Screw you, Draco. You are a cruel excuse for a human."

Draco blinked. I must be absolutely delusional to think the briefest glimpse of guilt passed through his ice-blue eyes.

Guilt? Draco Malfoy knew of no such thing.

"Ambrose, rela-"

"I hope your day is as pleasant as you." I cut him off, speaking impassively before rushing out of the library and getting as far away from Malfoy as I could.

He was-

He was nothing but terrible.

I knew we sparred and bickered and I gave him just as many insults as he gave me but Malfoy-he went too far. The things he would sometimes say were far more hurtful than he knew.

I knew the things Draco said to me shouldn't affect me, whatsoever. He was far too insignificant to me for his opinion to matter, for his words to mean anything at all. Yet, his words pierced me far more deeply than anyone else's. Although, there was nobody else in the world who spoke to me so degradingly.

I entered the washroom, rushing to turn on the water and splash my face.

So hard to want.

Nobody wants poor little Elysia.

I had no idea why these words were affecting me so dearly.

I looked up, staring at myself in the mirror. I could hardly recognize myself.

I hate Draco Malfoy.

But then why do I care so much what he says? Surely if I hate him, it needn't matter what he thinks.

And for the first time, Draco Malfoy had made me cry.

It only took three years but at last, his words had made me cry.

I kept my gaze upon the sky that returned to being a long stretch of dark. The fireworks had diminished.

"So," Draco glanced at me. "Were you behind this one too? I wouldn't be surprised after what you pulled with Snape."

I laughed dryly. "It wasn't me, Malfoy."

Surprising myself, I was in no mood to squabble with Draco. I didn't have it in me to take his sneers, nor give him any of mine.

Draco turned to face me. "What's wrong with you?"

I didn't look at him. I looked for the constellations in the sky. "If I infect everything so much, why are so intent to continue wasting your breath on me?"

Draco blinked, taken aback.

I looked at him, feeling rather defeated.

One point, Slytherin.

"I'll leave you to your astronomy tower before I infect any more of it."

I turned, heading to the stairs.

"Elysia, wait. I didn-"

I left before he could go on.

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