Draco's eyes narrowed on me. "You should pick one team to root for, Ambrose. You're all over the place."

Oh, however does this boy provoke a glare. "For Merlin's sake, Malfoy-it's a bloody game. You don't have to be so uptight about everything!"

Pansy stared between the blonde and me, but for her own good, she kept her mouth shut. Smart choice.

Draco's own glare on me turned venomous, his jaw setting.

A daring smirk tugging on my lips, my head tilted to the side. "Does it bother you to hear me cheering for Blaise, Malfoy?" I got close to him, only inches away from his face. Draco could feel my warm breath fan over his face and he froze. "Does it kill you inside knowing I've never said 'fuck yes, Draco is good' while you were out there scoring points for Slytherin?"

Draco blinked. A deer in headlights, he stared.

I had left Draco Malfoy speechless.

A smirk smug as ever, I pulled myself away from him and turned my attention back to the game. Beside me, Draco's irritation nearly radiated from his pores.

"Fuck you, Ambrose."

"Oh, you wish you could, Malfoy."

One point, Gryffindor.

The twins were killing it as Beaters. I was screaming alongside Pansy as Ron zoomed from goalpost to goalpost, knocking the quaffle away. The Gryffindor booth erupted in screams when we got a quaffle through the goal hoop.

Just as the announcer was about to report the tie between the two teams, Ginny had finally caught the snitch. She skid to the ground, holding the golden ball up in the air.

"Holy fuck, she did it." A wide smile stretched across my face as cheers and hollers rang throughout the crowd. The Slytherin booth I sat in was quite the opposite-groaning and cursing.

"Good game," Pansy sighed. "Weasley did do good. She is impressive. I'm afraid I don't know if I'm upset or not."

I laughed, wrapping an arm around Pansy's shoulders as everyone started clearing out of the stands. "It was a good game, Pans."

Before being on my way to the Gryffindor tower, I stopped to see Blaise. He looked drained and defeated with a thin layer of sweat glistering on his skin.

I smiled up at him, squeezing his hand. "You did really good, Blaise."

"Fuck yes, you did." Draco grumbled in mockery from beside me.

I rolled my eyes, ignoring him. "Three goals for Slytherin all on your own. You killed it."

Blaise's brown skin flushed. "T-thanks, Elysia. I'm glad you had fun."

"Firewhiskey on me later. I'll see you around, yeah?"

Blaise nodded, smiling shyly.

I said goodbye to both Blaise and Pansy while Draco avoided meeting my gaze. I rushed to the Gryffindor common room, waiting for the team to walk in with their trophy.

Cheers hollered around the room as Ginny was the first to walk in. Whereas her brothers soaked in the attention, loving it, Ginny remained sheepish and shy with her cheeks tinging pink as she received compliments and pats on the back.

"You lot did amazing!"

Fred laughed as he picked me right up off the ground, spinning me around in delight. "We did kill it, didn't we?"

I laughed as he placed me back down. I turned to Ginny, hugging her. "That was amazing, Gin. You were amazing."

"We told you you had nothing to worry about," Hermione squeezed Ginny's shoulder before she turned towards Ron. The two of them went off to get butterbeer to celebrate.

"Thank you," Ginny exhaled heavily. "It was a thrill."

We spent the rest of the night celebrating, partying, indulging in Firewhiskey and butterbeer. Everyone was ecstatic about the victory.

Later that night, I was headed back to my room when I ran into Blaise.


Blaise was walking down the hallway when he stopped. He spun around, a small smile tugging on his lips. "Elysia, hey."

I approached him.

He narrowed his eyes as he peered at me carefully, analyzing my features. "Are you-are you hammered, Elysia?"

Smiling, I bit my lip and nodded sheepishly. "Maybe just a little bit."

Blaise laughed softly. "I see you lot have enjoyed your win."

I looked down at my hands, nodding. "Everyone's thrilled." I met his gaze, feeling slightly unnerved. After all, he had lost. "I'm-I'm sorry you lost. You did play really well."

Blaise shrugged lightly. "No need to apologize. Just a game."

It surprised me how different Blaise and Draco were. They were both Slytherin, they were also best friends yet, there was so much about them that differed.

"You-uh, have something in your hair. Here, let me." Carefully, Blaise reached his hand out and pulled something from my hair. My breath caught in my throat. When he pulled his hand back, he showed me a small piece of confetti-evidence of the celebrating taking place tonight.

I giggled softly. It was definitely caused by the consumption of Firewhiskey.

"Thank you, kind sir." I said like a fool. I winced as soon as the words left my mouth.

Blaise bit back a chuckle. "You look like you should get some sleep."

I nodded slowly. "I do. I do need to get some sleep."

Blaise paused for a moment. "May I walk you back to your room?"

Charming, indeed.

This time, I bit back another giddy giggle. "I'd be quite flattered."

Blaise, with cation, placed a hand on my lower back as he started guiding me back to my room. The warmth from his touch made shivers run up and down my spine.

I had never quite noticed how charming Blaise was. I never quite noticed how indeed cute he was either.

The Firewhiskey was making me feel much giddier than was normal.

"My stop." I turned to face Blaise when we reached the Gryffindor common room.

Blaise nodded slowly, keeping his eyes trained on me. "Sleep well, Elysia."

With my current thought process being impaired, I stepped towards Blaise and wrapped my arms around him.

His body was tense for a moment before he relaxed and hugged me back.

He was warm. He smelt good.

Blaise pulled away shortly, looking down at me with a soft sheepish expression. "Goodnight, Elysia."

"Goodnight, Blaise."

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