"Really that bad huh? I have it next period" gaara said taking the seat to my left.

"Yeah is so boring I was zoned out the whole class I didn't even relize it was over"

"Oh great" gaara said sarcastically.

"Hey dobe what were you so annoyed about earlier?"

"Oh some girls in my class wouldn't shut up the entire lesson, not that I was paying attention or anything but their voices were so annoying and all they were talking about was how your hair was up today!" I said annoyed.

The other guys laughed at me and sasuke sighed "what'd they look like?"

"Blonde idiot and pink idiot. Probably popular" I said.

"Yeah thats ino and Sakura alright" shikmaru said.

"what's up with your hair being in a bun today anyway" neji asked.

"Naruto decided he liked it so I told him I would let him do my hair and I would make him ramen if he got out of bed"

"Hey thats one way to do it" shikamaru said shrugging.

Speaking of the devil the same two girls from my second period class came walking up to our table 'oh just fucking great' I thought and layed my head down on my arms.

"Hey sasuke-kun!" They said in unison with their stupid squeaky voices.

He ignored them but they didn't seem to care "how is the first day of school going! Wanna go out later I'm free!" The pink haired one saky? Sucura? I couldn't remember her name nor did I want to.

"No I'm busy" was all sasuke said and he took a bite of his lunch.

"Oh ok...maybe another time then!"

"He wouldn't want to go out with you anyway Bill board brow! He wants to go out with me!"

"Shut up ino pi- oh who's the new guy!" The pink one said and stared at me.

"Oh yeah he's kina cute!" The blonde one said and I don't think I've ever wanted to punch someone more.

"Hey whats your name" the pink one asked waving her hand infront of my face.


"Ok well welcome to the school naruto! My name's Sakura" She said and walked away.

I rolled my eyes and flipped her off when her back was turned.

Kiba choked on his water while trying to stop himself from laughing and that caused a chain reaction if laughter throughout the table.

Everyone but sasuke was laughing but sasuke was doing a really bad job of stopping himself.

He put his hood over his head and pulled the strings to hide his face before he started laughing with us.

"Oh my God shut up we'll be swarmed again if sasuke keeps laughing" shikamaru said wiping tears from his eyes while he stopped laughing.

"Yeah true he is knows as the ice king" Kiba chimed in.

"Oh shut up I'm a nicer person now!"

"Whats up with the whole ice King sasuke" I asked with a evil smirk because I assumed the conversation would annoy him.

"Nothing!" He said and glared at our friends but that didn't stop them from talking.

"So basically when sasuke first got to our school he was an absolute BASTARD. Like when I say he was a jerk he wouldn't even look at your without seeming mad" neji said.

The DareNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ