¢яєєρу... ιη α ¢υтє ωαу (α яυѕѕια/ιναη вυяαgιηѕυкι σηє-ѕнσт)

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"¢яєєρу... ιη α ¢υтє ωαу"

He was a large young man who seemed bighearted and innocent, quick to forgive and always looking for friends. With a gentle smile and disposition, his social awkwardness and shy demeanor making him only cuter. Naturally, it interested everyone on how he could give off such a contrasting aura.

If one were to be truthful, he was intimidating without having to say a word, calm at the most erratic of times and very scary. Childishly cruel without even being aware. How he was able to uphold this reputation and his naive and gentle demeanor was... interesting.

She was an extremely shy girl with long wavy red hair and a deep royal blue shade of eyes. With high intellect a proud disposition for it, she was always quick to get on the defensive side. She was well-known for being quiet and being able to go unnoticed, as well as the fact of being very religious.

However, she too had a contrasting side to her. Very brash with a tendency to get into fights with her fists, she gives off the wave of uncaring when it came to most topics. And the truth was, she truthfully didn't care about most things. Hot-headed and sarcastic.

How these two ended up together, nobody really knew, but they seemed to be perfect for each other. Ireland finding his odd creepiness to be adorable, and Russia finding himself to have a childish respect for the female like a role-model... only... as a toy.



"Hi, Ireland!" Russia greeted in his... normal, if one would consider that, way. Gently leaning over to kiss her, Ireland smiled gently in the way that only she could, soft but tough. Happily returning the kiss to the oddly attractive man, she said her greeting as well.

"Happy New Years," she greeted quietly, her face tinted red with the blush whose reason there one could not say. It was never out of embarrassment, as she never got embarrassed, and it probably wasn't anything else. But, it was always there, upon her face.

"Aw, you look like a tomato!" The childish man giggled, knowing that his girlfriend wouldn't mind him saying that. "A tomato I just wanna squeeze in all different places," he gestured with a small smile... or smirk some would say, across his childish face.

But, it was like it meant nothing to the female who simply giggled softly. "There you guys are," an exhausted greeting came, causing the couple to look around for the source. "Is a ghost?" Russia asked sheepishly, until Ireland felt something tug at her dress.

Looking down, ready to defend herself from anyone like the beings of France, she was relieved and somewhat happy to see her friend America there, gasping for breath and literally crawling on his hands and knees.

With a small,mischievousgiggle coming from Russia in the group, Ireland helped the guy up, wondering why he was on all fours. "Hey, America... You need us or something?" she asked with a small smile. He was her friend, and he knew that she was only joking around when it came to sarcasm between them.

"Yeah, I... wanted to ask you guys if you were going to come to my New Year's party. Everyone's going!" Russia's eyes were already sparkling eagerly at the news, but there was something he needed to know first. "Will there be vodka?"

"Yes, Russia, there will be vodka. And some of your native beer, too, Ireland. Come on, you gotta come!" America reasoned and pleaded, as if they already had rejected him. To know that her beer and his vodka were there, they were already set to go, Ireland ready to prove to Germany hers was better.

"Okay..." she responded quietly, looking over at her boyfriend to see what he wanted to do. But, he was already walking off to who knows where, and by the time the quiet female had looked over to see America, he had gone, too. "Just preparing for later~!" Russia sang in her ear as he popped onto her left side, a few strands of her long, red hair moving with the air he had shifted.

But, yet again, that comment failed to move her. She smiled a little and nodded eagerly, even though she had nothing in mind of what is to come. Walking after the bubbly, cruel man beside her back to their place to prepare for the party, they both had no idea what to expect.


Although both had worn fancy clothing -which meant they didn't really change as their clothes were already fancy- Ireland kept the bandages at her knuckles. She was never seen without them, and she wasn't going to start with a party.

Although Ireland knew that America could pull off a good party, most had come to doubt him, but appeared anyways. Who knew that it would end up as one of the most smashing parties of the year with more than half the people getting wasted - including Ireland and Russia. Russia less than Ireland for once, surprisingly.

"What's the matter, Ireland? Feeling a little dizzy?" Russia smirked a little, them out of sight of the people as they were sitting together on the couch behind all their line of sights. Apparently, they were concentrated on something really cool happening in that direction.

Some didn't even know what was happening while others were asleep, and it wasn't even close to the countdown. With a small mutter of 'yes' in reply to the male's question, although Ireland was pretty packed on beer, she wasn't... well, what most people would consider - drunk crazy.

She was just a bit more riled up... and Russia liked that. "Oh. Does Ireland want something to make her feel less dizzy?" The girl wondered where he was going with this, knowing that he was probably up to one his childishly cruel plots.

"Like what?" she asked quietly, the couple seemingly invisible from the party and the couple unable to see any of the party themselves. They were just too distracted with this conversation - Russia wanting more and Ireland wondering where he was going.

"Lemme show you!" he gestured up the stairs, towards a seemingly empty room that he had been preparing, just like he told Ireland he was doing. Ireland didn't know what to say, should she agree to see what the man was up to, or should she not...?

"Okay," she responded at last, thinking she had nothing to lose. Getting up, she headed up the stairs with an impatient Russia. In fact, he was so impatient, he decided to take things into his own hands, picking her up and skipping up the rest of the stairs with her in his arms.

"Where are you two going?" A curious Britain asked, watching as the pair walked up the stairs. "It's a secret!" The big man squealed in response, heading for the awaiting room. The blonde man, about to question further was then interrupted.

"Come on, Britain! We are going to start the count down!" America screamed to his companion, causing him to sigh. "I'm comin'," he responded with one last look at the stairs and room the couple was heading for.

"Five!" stated France.

"Four!" stated Germany.

"Three." stated Britain.

"Two!" stated America.

"One..." stated Russia, and the door locked shut.

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