So Khushi, my Sister in Law happily agreed to be one, although me and Ananya, were totally against the idea of putting her through an emotionally exhausting process for our selfish gain, with nothing for her in return, Vansh, Her and our family members talked us into it.

So a year later, Mine and Ananya's son Armaan was born, and we'll be forever indebted to Khushi and Vansh for doing this for us, Also Me and Ananya have decided to tell Armaan once he's older, that although not genetically, but his Aunt Khushi is his mother.

Naina Mom, Papa, my Dad were really happy that finally Me and Ananya are parents of our own child, Armaan looks like me, but has got Ananya's eyes and thankfully her temperament as well, which is anyday better than mine

Our lives were amazing, I had a good job, with a plan to start a firm of my own, Ananya decided to take a break and continue her studies, Amayraa and other kids had a new baby brother to play with.

Finally Ananya had her own kid and now she felt complete, I on the other hand was elated to have a complete family now...

Armaan is the apple of our eye, he's everyone's favorite, especially Sameer's. I always wanted a sibling for Amayraa who will be her protector, supporter and lifelong best friend like Nitaara is for me, and now she has one...

Everything was perfect until 506 days ago, after which Mine, Ananya's, Ved - Vansh's and Papa's lives changed forever, because 506 days ago, we lost our Naina Mom to a cardiac arrest

It was immediately after Shashank Chachu's son Viraj's wedding, where she suddenly collapsed and the doctor's couldn't save her.

The entire family was devastated, Her loss took a toll on every family member, because she stood rock solid for everyone and with her passing away, it felt like all of us lost our one and only life support

Papa was devasted, he didn't eat for days and didn't speak to anyone for months, my dad too was unconsolable, he lost his best friend afterall, the twins were in wreck, Ananya tried her best to stay strong but eventually gave up...

I on the other hand did lose my only support from childhood, but decided to stay strong for her beloved ones who were lost after her passing, and hence had to take therapy sessions with Dr. Shankland in Ohio, who gave this valueable suggestion to me so that I don't have a breakdown

To say I miss her terribly is an understatement dear diary, Naina mom was like the humane part of my devil heart in my dark days, and now with her going away like this has left a void which can never be filled

So, Ved - Vansh eventually got hold of themselves for the sake of their family, but Ananya and Papa didn't get over it..

Things got worse when our Aunt Radhika, Naina Mom's best friend passed away the very next month, making all of us helpless, Ananya was beyond broken after this news, it was like she was terribly trying to get a hold of herself, but now couldn't...

She lost interest in everything, her studies, her job, household chores, looking after Armaan - Amayraa, everything, so I decided to take matters on my hand

Sameer suggested to shift to a different place with Dad - Ananya and Kids, but since Dad refused to leave Delhi, so I brought Ananya and Kids here in California.

Where after 1 and a half years now, I am working with a reputed firm and also on my PhD, Ananya has decided to complete her masters, Amayraa is in Grade 8 and my son is 2

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