Chapter 63.

Depuis le début

The man had released Estela, he didn't ask when, probably only one or two days ago, otherwise the man would have asked for women earlier. That meant she was somewhere without supervision. It was probably just his paranoia but something in the back of his mind kept telling him that granting her release wasn't a wise move.

For the past month of you rejecting any escort have put him in constant alert, although he have tried so hard to loosen up. Maybe because tight security measures have been a part of his daily life since he was a child, it would need more time to adjust without it.

"Mr. Min, please sign over here."
The girl pushed a paper to his side, pulling his attention to the form.
"Would you like any spirit or wine to deliver to your room?"

"Sauvignon blanc five years to seven, Cloudy Bay if you have it."
He scratched his signature on the paper, when the ping on his phone indicated incoming message from Kevin, confirming his order.
He was typing a message to Razinkov when he heard your voice calling him.


Hastily he turned his head to look over his shoulder, searching for the source of voice.
Narrowing his eyes, he tried to catch your figure around. Did he leave something at the penthouse that you took the effort to bring it for him?
Scanning the grand lobby, he threw a glance to the direction of elevator aisle, but only saw several men in business suits with their luggages, there were no you in sight.


The voice sounded near, he could almost swear it wasn't only his imagination. Maybe because you occupied his mind all the time, he started to hear your voice inside his head as the result.

He tried to banish the lingering uneasiness and his paranoia when it came about you.
When was the last time he had Sejin with him while he was with you? The man's presence had somehow became his source of security, everytime he was almost too tempted to break his promise to you and let the man tag along stealthily.

"Mr. Min, here is the keycard, the wine will be delivered to your room in about half an hour."

Nodded to her, he tapped on your number while taking the key and his laptop bag. You didn't pick up the phone, even after he called for the third time.
The failed fifth attempt drove him to walk fast towards the elevator.

Yoongi always trusted his instinct. Years of practice and being acquainted with people like Jeremy or Razinkov had sharpened the sense.

Punching the elevator button impatiently, he saw the floor indicator light was still on the eight level. Scanning the other five elevators, none of them was close enough to reach the ground floor at his desired speed.

He ran to the emergency stairs to reach the tenth floor, before using the lift to go up the dedicated floor of the penthouse. It was probably just his overkill anxiety, but he had always believed in term 'better safe than sorry'.

When the elevator opened in front of the big door to the room, it was closed, no sign of break in. He half sighed in relief, flashing his key card on the security lock.
You would probably scold him to delay your rest, but right now he could care less, not when his worry almost drove him insane.

The living room was quiet, but he saw your phone on the floor. He picked it up, pressing the home button, the screen was locked, but he could see there were five missed calls.


He walked to the master bedroom, scanning the room, it was also empty. There were random clothes on the plush king bed, as well as your cosmetic bag, the content were scattered on top of the white sheet as well as the dressing table.

His Pet ♤ Min Yoongi♤ (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant