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We get back to the dojo to see everyone still training. "Alright class tonight is the all Valley Fest and you know what that means." "YES SENSEI!" we shouted. "Now after recent events, I have decided I'll break stone and you guys break wood." I scoff standing next to Sensei. They all nodded. "Natalie you can help me with the choreography so you're not bored." "Yes Sensei." I said feeling excited. "Okay choose one to help." I scan around the room and yall already know who I'm gonna pick. "Ayye heyy" I pointed to Hawk "ayyye heyy das right bebee giet over here!" Hawk said putting his arms out smiling and nodding I awkwardly jog towards him "No!" Sensei said pulling me back. I roll my eyes. "Someone else less distracting." Hawk scoffs crossing his arms.

"Okay fine. I'll take Aisha." I said in a low and down voice. I walk over to her and the rest of the class breaks into groups while I take Aisha. But we literally were talking the whole time. Never put two girl best friends together, never ends well.

"Aisha focus!" Sensei snapped. "Yes Sensei." she said rolling her eyes. Tbh I didn't even know what the hell I was doing.


I walk outta the dojo pissed. "Come on it wasn't that bad." Jack said trying to cheer me up. "not bad? Use that anger on the dummy Jenny, focus Jenny." I said mocking Kreese. "Look it just takes some time getting used to." "Mhm I bet." I said walking to the stop light but Jack grabs me. "Hey hey hey. Okay. I can't control how Kreese teaches or what he says. But if you're still up for tonight how about we forget about what happened here and we just to to the festival, me and you, hang out, get some funnel cake, and not worry. Yeah?"

He was always trying to cheer me up it was so sweet. "Okay I guess." I said blushing. "thad a girl, now wanna get some ice scream?" he cooed. I shyly nodded holding back a smile. He puts his arm around me. "Ciome on." he said kissing my temple. Damn I was so blessed to have me. I couldn't be any luckier.


"You still going to the Valley fest?" Hawk asked coming up to me. "Hm? Yeah, I mean I guess." "I guess?" "I dunno not really a fan of festivals." "Oh why?"

"Jenny over here!"

"I dunno, too many people. You can get lost easily."

"Jack where are you?!"

"well you're not gonna get lost, you're gonna have me." he said creeping his hand around my waist making me smile. "You know I dunno if it's just me but this shirt looks extremely attractive on ya." I said looking at his chest biting my lip looking at the black shirt on him making his muscles pop out.

Ah shit there my hormones go again. "Yeah? Well I'll be glad to tell ya-you'll get to be the one to take it off." he said in my ear hearing a smirk. Gawd he made me fall to pieces just by his words. It don't matter what he said I was trippin. I grab his hip and pull him close. "Did I getcha baby girl?" he asked smiling. I moan quietly only fer him to hear.

I know I'll never act on these hormones. Not just yet. But it was nice to have fun for a while a couple times. The heated make out sessions are nice, just glad he hasn't stuck his hand down my pants yet. Well besides that one time at the beach. But still.

"Hey let me walk you home." he said grabbing my hand. I take it and say bye to Sensei but he calls be back. "Natalie!" "What's up?" "You're coming to the fest right?" "Yeah." "Great you can be in charge of the effects." "Effects?" I asked Sensei confused. "You'll see." he said in a joyful tone. Sensei does have a way of surprising people.

We get to my house and luckily I didn't have to stop on the way or anything. We saw no cops this time. Their usually always out looking for someone. Maybe they caught him? Who knows it was good not to think of it on the way home.

Walls Up//Hawk Love story (Cobra Kai)Where stories live. Discover now