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(A/N this is going to be kinda a long story because a lot happens but don't worry it's not super super long, it's just the right amount or sum lol)

*BOOM* *FLASH* "ahhhhhhh" I heard screams coming from all around me. I were running down the hall passing up walls on fire. Everything was disappearing left and right. Events played in my head.

*one of the events*

"HOW COULD YOU?!" "It wasn't me!" someone screamed. I was being held close with a hand on my face. I was in shock and started crying. I felt torn. I saw a kid in Reggie's arms holding him.

After that I was spinning around in circles more events popping in my head

*one of the events*

Norman was looking at me "Stop hiding it!" he snapped. I turn and I'm facing Hawk face to face in the hall looking at each other in a viscous way. "Why did you do it?!" I screamed at him. There were tears in Hawks eyes and he was on his knees crying. I run to Reggie and the next thing I know I'm pressed against the wall. "So that's it?!" "Reggie I'm sorry." I cried.

It was the same old things happening over and over again.

*one of the events*

My mom looked distressed. "They know where you are." she said. I'm in my room on the floor with no emotion or feeling just sitting there looking at a wall. I saw Sam, Demetri and Reggie looking at me. "You lied to us?" "What happened?" Hawk asked.

*one of the events*

standing in a court room looking at papers in front of me. I'm crying and sobbing. The next thing I knew I was in Hawks arms with him telling me everything was going to be okay.

*one of the events*

I was looking in a mirror at myself and I hugged my father. "You're not alone." he said to me. It takes me to where I'm standing next to Demetri, Sam, and Reggie in a dojo with another man teaching us and me.

I'm on the dance floor with Reggie smiling and all happy. The next thing I see is Miguel falling off a railing, Demetri crying, looking at my hands in shock, Tori and Sam fighting while I was on the floor fighting someone off me, Hawk grabs my hand, "This needs to stop." I said.

Me drinking, "Everything is happening again and I'm scared Hawk! I don't wanna be her anymore!"

Me resting on Hawk, him kissing my forehead, "The years almost over." he said. "I'm sorry." he whispered and the last thing I heard was Hawk hovering over me looking in my eyes "I love you." he finished. 

"AAHH!" I screamed loud jumping back in my seat almost tipping over. "MRS. MARIE!" the teacher snapped. I started breathing. Again? How can I have the same dream again? I look up "Uh heyyy." I said awkwardly to the teacher. He looks at  me and the class starts laughing. "You don't sleeping?" he asked in a smartass tone. "yeah." I said rubbing my eyes. 

It was the next day and something crazy happened with Hawk that really made me think. Like non-stop. But school was almost over and that meant I was gonna meet Reggie to ask me to the dance. I mean it's obvious. 

Norman STILL wasn't talking to me and I still had no clue why. I kept rethinking of everything that I did that could possibly be the answer but nothing came to mind. I refocus in class and pay attention to the board once again. He was writing something about English or whatever. 

Walls Up//Hawk Love story (Cobra Kai)Where stories live. Discover now