Chapter 27- a new tragedy

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I hold my finger up to my lips, eyes wide as I shake my head at Min-Jun, watch as the sweet baby bear had gone from content and playing to going stiff and wide-eyed when I'd silently began stepping close and droopy when he sees me, when he sees my shushing gesture, going back to playing with his plushies, curled up in his nest, hands slow and eyes droopy once more.

Not at all on edge anymore around me, which had made me giddy the first time he'd leant into my touch rather than away, a moment engrained in my memory with how my ears had twirled with giddiness, how I'd yelled out for (Y/N), startled her but victoriously showed how Min-Jun was curled up in my hold rather than stiff.

And it's a flash of mischief I see in his eyes as he curls back up, fluffy brown ears perked up and eyes awaiting to see how it unfolds, as he peeks out over the edge of a fluffy cat ear to look at me quietly approach (Y/N), her back turned and unsuspecting as I move closer and closer, hands held out and ready to dart forward to surprise her.

And when my hands grab at her, she startles, tail suddenly flicking up and going stiff for all but one moment before she melts, leans into the touch as I hug her from behind, peering over her shoulder.

"What are you doing? Min-Junie's nap time always means we go for a break or walk. Not look at...papers." I grumble, unable to figure out what the papers are for no matter how  much I tilt my head or squint. Unable to make out what the content of the papers are beyond the legal terminology and mentions of care procedures.

"I'm looking at the new cases we've got in.  Min-Junie is my main focus but it's not uncommon to be assigned more children in our care, especially when his recovery is going so well." She says, patting my hands around her almost absently as she turns the pages, eyes scanning them intently.

"Hmmm...but again. Time for a break? The papers will still be here in twenty minutes time, a quick walk will get you some fresh air, a drink and then we'll be back, baby bear will be sleeping and I can help you!" I offer.

I see the way she relents. Able to read her body posture by now to see the way when her shoulders slump and her back droops, sinking momentarily to rest against me more properly, that she's caving.

"Please~ my shift is shorter so I'll only get to see you when you get back." I wheedle.

And then her ears flick, soft brown curving inwards.


"Fine win. Another random drink off the menu today?" she asks turning to face me, my hands sliding away as she looks up at me, amusement in her eyes, arm stretching down to put down the papers.

"Yup! That's the fun in it all, trying out new things. I never expected the hybrid centre to have such an extensive menu though..." I muse.

She steps around me, giving me a little poke as she moves to check up on Min-Jun, crouching down and her entire posture changes.

It goes soft, curving forward as her fingers card through his hair, lightly trailing to rub at his ears and smiling when all droopy eyed and content, he leans to nuzzle at her wrist, a sleepy scent as she draws the blanket over him with a fond touch, lips curved into a smile as she looks at him.

There's always something so tender with the way she took after children, always something so innately tender and nurturing that I felt the bask of that loving glow seep out, feel it brush against me even now as I watched her allow him to nuzzle sleepily at her wrist, leaving behind an imprint of him on her skin.

And then she's standing up, stepping away, body turning to face the front only at the last moment, eyes lingering on him, as if staying behind to protect him, to look after him even as she goes with me, steps out of the room as a supervisor comes to watch in her place.

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