Chapter 58- blood and bones

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A nervousness settles in my stomach; accompanied with a churning sensation, unease and determination entangling in a dangerous mixture as I pull up outside an apartment complex; eyes flickering over the navigation. Verifying and reverifying the address was correct. 

That I was in the right place, eyes doing a cursory sweep of the surroundings; taking in the local park; still in use despite the increasingly cold weather, children bundled up and parents carefully watching... rushing close when one fell, ready to soothe the sting with warm words and even gentler nurturing touch. Lips curving upwards slightly at the sight. 

Take in the cars dotted around the street and the confusing mix of both emptiness and warmth the area seems to emanate; I knew it was one of the extensively positive hybrid housing areas, high on its list for both price and safety. It was a strong neighborhood, humans and hybrids got along seamlessly, little to no complaints filed with discriminatory purposes. 

All in all... a good place to live. 

But anxiousness gnaws at me as I step out the car, ears folding against the air,, tugging my scarf tighter around my throat; restless despite the settling bite Namjoon had given only the night before. 

Had taken one look at my pacing and fretting and bodily drawn me towards him, crowding me against the mattress and fangs sinking deep as his rich earthy scent washed over in heavy waves, pheromones sinking into my bones as I in turn sank against the mattress, the arch of my throat no longer needing to be pronounced or encouraged, falling back to welcome the scenting and gentle brushes of his tongue to my gland, soothing over the sting of his bite, body thrumming with the claim as it went limp and pliant under his. 

"You'll do good pup. You always do good... so stop working yourself into a panic." He'd murmured it against skin with slow brushes of his lips and he'd said it this morning, nose scrunching with the blatant lack of pack scents clinging to me, at the faintest layer of scent-blockers but voice warm and grounding. 

Even now the thin layer of scent-blockers felt like a weighted reminder, purposely avoiding pack scents because the last thing I wanted was to either overwhelm Jangmi with my scent or throw it in her face that I had a pack, and carried their scents proudly, whilst she'd been suffering and hurting for months on end without news of any sort. 

It takes a few moments of gathering myself, mentally running through details as I turn the car off, steps measured and deceptively at ease even whilst my insides churned. 

Hope and empathy clung to my skin, and I could already smell my mint, though dampened down, curling stronger and pulsing heavier. 

Fingers clenching and unclenching before pressing the button to reception, stepping into the warm interior; eyeing the insides, the desk, the exits. 

Mentally cataloguing everything, force of habit to eye the security, the ease of access in and out the building as I make my way to the elevator. 

It's a small relief to see that it's one where you have to key yourself in, flagging down one of the guards to authorize the lift, riding up alongside him. Good security system. 

So Lieutenant Fang being taken or rather someone unverified entering the building and accessing her apartment wasn't likely. 

The small ding echoes in my ears, flickering at the sound when I step out, nerves skyrocketing at the cheerful sound, footsteps measured as I will myself to move, to move closer down the hallways before coming to a stop. 

Nervous. Because so much could be gained from even finding out what Fang was upto before her disappearance, so much could unfold simply by talking to Jangmi. 

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