Chapter 55- poisoned minds, poisoned lives

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"Ah... hyung." I groan out, head falling forward, hips bucking into the touch, lifting up to push against the slow, deep circles of his body grinding against mine, his hand brushing down my spine and the flapping of wings before they settle, draped in a wide cocoon over us as he finally comes to still.

My body feels wrought with pleasure, wrung out of me and I sag bonelessly against the bed, crumpling onto the mattress, feeling his hand squeeze my hip, lips warm and pressing against my nape. A lingering kiss as he settles over me, arms winding to curve around me and draw me onto my side, my body still entangled and held by his, cradled and hissing in sensitivity when it makes his hips jostle where he's still buried deep.

"My sweet kit." He murmurs, voice low and smooth, a soft caress of breath curling around my throat, head hooking over my shoulder to press a peck to the now swollen gland; stimulated and pulsing out nutty caramel in thick rivulets for him. The soft touch makes my body jerk in his hold, hand whacking lightly where his lace together around me, his laughter warm and reverberating against my back.

"My sensitive cub." He amends, voice playful and tinged with a slight breathlessness

"My sensitive cub." He amends, voice playful and tinged with a slight breathlessness.

I tilt my head back, letting it fall against his shoulder, press a kiss to his jaw, lingering and nosing at skin, relishing in that scent of post-pleasure Jin. Something inherently him that underlay the vanilla, the tang of sweat as he curls closer.

"Feel better now?" I ask, his hand entangling with mine, curving over and resting against my stomach, his knuckles grazing gently.

He nods against my shoulder, pressing a kiss to it.

"Much. Thanks Hob-ah." He murmurs softly, quietly.

And when I tilt my head back it's to see a faint glossy sheen in his eyes, sniffling with a huff and ducking out of sight as he lowers his head to continue peppering kisses, my body twisting and his hips sliding out, a stuttered curse when I instinctively close my legs. Closing around nothing, trying to keep him close.

He gives me a shaky laugh as he slowly draws himself away, tugging on boxers as he slips out of the room quickly, wings rustling as he leaves.

Returns nearly just as quick and helps me to my feet.

"Let's get cleaned off first." Steadying me against him and huffing out amusedly at the slight wobble to my steps before he bends down to hoist me against him, cradling me against his chest, silent as he pads over to the bathroom, setting me down carefully on the rim of the tub.

But before he can slip away, my hands curl around his wrist, peering up at the slightly tearful expression, heart twisting and wrenching with concern and worry.

Pleasure tears were different.

These were sad tears, emotional tears and he blinks them back hastily as he looks at me.

"What's wrong hyung-ah?" thumbs sweeping slow circles on the inside of his wrist, coaxing him closer until I'm able to lean forward and brush a kiss across the low of his chest, nosing at skin and breathing him in.

"It's..." he begins tentatively.

My leg curls around his calf, coaxing him closer to me.

Peering up at him.

We'd shared years together, we'd shared endless tumbles in each other's sheets because it'd been so, so easy and natural to. Because there was friendship and trust and mutual attraction that had burned as a searing flame years ago. But now there was more deeper bonds.

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