Chapter 41- small developments

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The sound of giggles and sleepy murmurs greet me as I move towards the kitchen, wings fluttering at the sound. And when I peek around the doorway to see, I spot a wolf nosing at the back of (Y/N)'s thighs, eager buts and nudges against her legs that has her giggling, squirming away from the touch. Trying to bat away the insistent nudges with a hand but finding it hard to when she has a sleepy Jiminie latched onto one side, arms around her waist and head settling on her shoulder as he trudges alongside her. Slowing her down.

"Minnie, you need to get off me for me to make breakfast...and Joon stop, that tickles!" she says, voice full of laughter as she wriggles when he gives a happy yap, tail swishing happily as he gives a lick to her skin. Pleased with himself.

"But I don't want to. I had to stay away a whole day because I was horrible, I don't want to let go now in case it's a dream and you never did forgive me." Jiminie mumbles, voice tinged with sadness and petulance.

It makes (Y/N) stop, twisting to face him and his head lifts off her shoulder. Their noses brush and her hand goes to rub soothing at the back of his ears, it has his tail drooping with contentment; a lazy swish to it.

"I forgave you. And I guess...I can't visit SJ but nothing can be done." She says softly.

"I'm sorry. I don't want to compromise your safety and SJ might get connected to you, we don't know how many eyes are on you." he says softly. Looking contrite and apologetic as he gives her a quick peck on the cheek.

"It's will you let me get started on pancakes!" she says, voice petering off into a squeal because at the moment Joon decides it's the best time to nip, tail thumping as he peers up at her with wide beguiling eyes.

I stifle a laugh at how deceptively innocent he's trying to play himself off as, when the quick swish of his tail and the tall proud posture suggests that he's anything but.

Deciding to step in when it's clear Jiminie is an accomplice, holding her to him and preventing her from wriggling away as Joon continues his playful attack, a loud happy rumbly growl as he watches her writhe against Jiminie, face creased with laughter and radiant with happiness.

"Stop ganging up on her, two against one isn't very fair is it officers?" I say, wings flapping at the happy sight of the three of them, (Y/N)'s cheeks flushed with laughter and their scents mingling into the air- a layered mix of rich forest, mint and anise. 

She straightens up, eyes alight- so much brighter and happier than the sadness I'd seen engrained in her very posture and each feature yesterday. She looks better, better now that they've made up, better now that she has Jiminie latched onto her and a playful wolf demanding attention through nuzzles and licks.

"Jinnie! Good timing... save me." she says, voice breathless from laughter and I don't hesitate to tug her forward, lips twitching at the sad keening sound Jiminie makes, pouting at her loss of warmth as I draw her behind me, wings splayed wide to cover the sight of her from them.

Both of them still.

Joon straightening as he tries to peer past them, head dipping low in a small sad growl at the loss of a fawn to playfully tease. And Jiminie huffs, leaning against the counter with a sulky pout, eyes wide and imploring.

It's hard to resist the sight, hard to not go forward and pinch cheeks still puffy with sleep and pink lips jutting out. 

"Sorry, I have a duty to protect." I say with a smile.

Jiminie's hands prop him up, lounging against the counter as his eyes narrow.

The effect is a whole lot softer than he intends given how sleep rumpled he still looks, clothes askew and hair tousled.

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