"Yeah... we moved here for a position I took with the parks service working in the mountains doing research.  I have my Bachelors in Environmental Science so it seemed like the perfect place to settle in and have so much to study around me while I work toward getting my Doctorate."  I answered without thinking, allowing the info dump since it was apparent that Jesse was someone Remington trusted.

He nodded, furrowing his brow as he ran a hand through his shaggy locks. "Yeah, I'd say the mountains are a good place for that... but you'll have a hard time with an active job for a bit."

I was quiet and let out a long breath, picking at my IV tubing a moment before I let my eyes wander to the machine monitoring my pulse oxygen level attached to my finger.  Silence lingered while I surveyed the room,  focusing next on the IV pole where I noticed another pouch hanging next to the normal saline fluid.

"Hey, Jesse? What's that?" I pointed to the smaller metallic bag as I tried to piece together what happened in the hours since we were in the forest. My scratchy hospital gown was clean but I noticed my skin still had a few streaks of mud and blood from our forest adventure.  After looking around another moment I flipped the blankets and sheet off my legs and sucked in air through my teeth, "Oh, fuck..."

My legs had lines of freshly stitched-up cuts across what skin was not burned.  I let out a yelp in pain as I touched one of the gashes, still tender and right through a deep burn on my thigh.

"Oh, Lissy!  Our bags are over here..." Benji rolled his wheelchair to a side closet and opened the door, tugging my bag out slightly with his good arm.  "See?  I even took the snack container and gave Jesse a Snickers earlier!  I can share, even my favorite stuff!"

I grinned, thankful for another distraction, and returned the blankets to hide my injuries from sight.  "I'm very proud of you, Beep."

Jesse tucked the covers around me softly, whispering, "We have plenty of medication and will keep antibiotics going also to make sure infection stays away.  I promise you're in good hands, Alice."

His words helped, of course, but it wasn't enough.  I was relieved also that our belongings made it to the hospital but knew it would help to ask one of the nurses for help sorting through my things when I had a chance.  I can't move my arms very easily so getting a shirt or a different bra on will be impossible.  Certain things just will not be happening for a while, so if I can get a hand, I should do that.

I'll also do anything to avoid thinking about all the reasons my body is broken, so maybe now that we've made it to our new home this will be a way to meet new people.  My mind was spinning with a to-do list so I grabbed my phone and started jotting down items. 

Get Remington's last name and phone number.

Email new job.

Contact new job and explain the situation.

Jesse smiled softly, chuckling as he watched me work.  "Well, all three of you have some pretty nasty infections going on after checking blood work. We are giving you strong antibiotics to fight that."

Benji nodded, scooting next to my bed and letting out a sigh. "I got mine already. They let me swallow it with the sundae I ate..." his words stopped as he spoke and I grinned, realizing Benji let it slip that he was given ice cream by the hospital staff for breakfast. 

Jesse jumped off the hospital bed and dramatically ran behind Benji's wheelchair, proclaiming "I was not on duty when that was approved.  I swear to you, Alice, I did not personally approve a caramel sundae at six in the morning."

I shared a grin with Benji which turned into as full a laugh as I could manage as Jesse said in a stage whisper, "But if I ever get the chance, I will totally approve ice cream for breakfast."

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