I pick it up and continue to walk down the road. I stop and was able to call Marie. "Can you please pick me up?" i say crying. " I am walking down the road, please hurry."

Marie and Maxine turned around and picked me up. Asking me what happened, so I told them. " THAT FUCKER!" Wait until I see that Asshole!" Maxine yells. I cannot do this anymore!" I sob.

"You can stay at my place if you want." Marie offered. " Thanks, I'd like that. If I went to my apartment, he would just show up there.

Damien's Pov: I climb into bed and wrap my arms around her kissing her cheek. "DAMIEN..." She moans.

Recognising a different voice, I roll over and turn the lights on and look back over seeing Veronica's face and not Cally's. I jump out of bed wearing my underwear quickly.

"What the hell are you doing here?"" Where is Cally?" I demand fuming .

"Why are you ignoring the fact that you still love and miss me? Veronica asks.

"I already told you we were done the moment you cheated on me. I have someone else in my life now. Cally is the one who has my heart, not you."

Veronica starts laughing an evil laugh "You have got to be kidding me, she a waitress for heaven's sake. How can u love someone like that? 

"That's where you are wrong." I laugh. " For one, I don't have to explain myself to you, but I don't give a shit if she works as a waitress, I love her. She is more that what you will ever be. Now put your damn clothes on and get the hell out of my house before Cally gets home."

"Can't we just go back to where we were months ago?" Don't u miss making love to me?" she asks taking her boobs out.

"Put your-" I get interrupted when i hear Cally saying "WHAT THE HELL?"

"SHIT." I say to myself. I watch Cally drop the rod and take off running. "CALLY WAIT!" I yell. I look over at Veronica, "You need to get the fuck out of here!" I demand throwing her clothes at her.

"Put your clothes on before I throw you myself outside  naked. I'd like to know how you get in here anyways."

"You never changed the code.You obviously left it incase i came back. She says as she gets up from the bed.. I look away and go search for Cally and talk to her to explain her everything.

I walk out of the bedroom, looking around for her.  I walk outside and don't see her anywhere. I then start shouting her name. " SON OF A..I pause running my hands through my hair frustrated."FUCK!"

I walk inside the house yelling at Veronica "You need to get out of the house now, what the fuck is your issue? Did you just come back here from England to cause problems?"

She walks out the bedroom with a big grin. Walking to me, she puts her hands on my face "You'll thank me later." She says happily. "I am still in love with you and I will be back with you. Just watch." She says walking away.

I can't believe you would drop the idea of a good fuck. I knew Cally was virgin that won't give it up till marriage. Sucks to be you. Oh well, you just missed your chance of getting laid and the best blowjob. 

"Get the fuck out of here, I never want to see you around here ever again, and stay the hell away from Cally!" I yell at her shoving her out the door.

I change the codes on my lock and message Cally letting her know the new code in case she comes back while i go out looking for her. 

I grab my keys and hop in my Mustang GT, i drove for hours looking for her, went everywhere i could think of and called all her friends, but being so late nobody picked up.

I then received a text message from Marie, I highly suggest you leave Cally alone for a while, she told us she never wants to see you ever again. She is completely heartbroken. I am so bloody disappointed in you!  How could you do this to her? If I was there in front of you,  I would have castrated you with my bare hands.

I read the message and it fucking hurt like hell. She should know me by now that I would never do that to her. I only imagine what must have it looked like. I was half naked and Veronica was completely naked.

I threw ,my phone across the room. "That fucking bitch is going to pay for this. I am not going to lose Cally over Veronica's bullshit especially after what all hurdles me and Cally  have been through over the years. I would not let Veronica destroy it all." 

I yelled pacing back and forth. I was so pissed and disappointed in myself for not stopping Veronica sooner that i punched a hole in the wall. "FUCK!"


Don't forget to vote and comment  my lovely friends. Thank you to everyone who are voting and commenting on my chapters. You guys are awesome!

Thank you everyone for enjoying my book. I hope you all continue to enjoy the book.

Lots of love ❤ 


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