Part 1

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My eyes fluttered open it was a new day well a new night I should say. Being a new born vampire isn't quite as easy as the guys make it out to be.

Jimin: y/n?!!! Come down for breakfast Jin made something special!!

Y/n: Coming!!

Climbing off the bed I open the closet door to a beautiful black and red wardrobe. They weren't kidding when they said a new entire one with elegant dresses, silk blouses, and the most amazing pairs of pants. I still wonder how the guys knew my size, but at this point it doesn't matter. Pulling out a black layered dress and red platform heels that strapped at my ankles I layed them gently on the bed.

Y/n: It has been a few months of me staying here and after my mom talked to the guys I haven't heard a thing from her since. I hope she is ok.

Unzipping the dress I carefully slip it on and frantically tried to zip it back up. Buuuut it's stuck! Why does this always happen to me!!??

??? : hello? Um hehe do you need help?

Y/n: Hobi don't ask that just come here and help me please...

Hoseok: well whatever you say princess.

He walks over and zips it up swiftly and grabs my hair putting it up in a point tail.

Y/n: I hate my hair up you know that.

Hoseok: well we all think you look quite beautiful... So please don't say that about yourself.

Shaking my head I appeared right in the kitchen. Sitting down at the table I  smooth my dress out. Looking up Jimin was right in front of me.

Jimin: hey cutie pie!

Smiling I glanced over at Jin over the stove just cooking away.

Y/n: Jin do you need any help?

Jin: no my dear you just sit there and be the pretty princess you are! You don't need to lift a finger

I could sense him smirking. He is always a creeper. Needs his head smacked.

Jin: I can read your mind you know if you like you can. Only princess can.

He says turning around slightly to smirk at me and give Jimin a high five. They are so weird. Eventually Jin turns off the stove and places homemade waffles with a red syrup.

Y/n: what is that??

Jin: you know the stuff we need to live just made it a little thicker as a syrup consistency.

Nodding I grab two and poured the "syrup" On top. Putting a bite into my mouth I couldn't help but feel so alive. I didn't realize how hungry I was.

Namjoon: dang y/n really can eat.. Now calm down before you choke.

I threw my fork at him and he dodged. His face just filled with disappointment.

Namjoon: now now princess don't be so violent.

Why are they all calling me princess? It's weird... I decided to eat with my hands and Jin smacked my hand.

Jin: no eating with your hands we are not animals.
He gave me another fork and flicked my nose. Smiling I continued to eat my breakfast and made my way into the living room.

??? : hello y/n we meet again.

Here we go the first part I know it has been a long wait but I do hope you all love it!! ❤

Vampire Love {Sequel} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now