12. Arrangments and Rings

Start bij het begin

After a minute or two, she pulls away with a big smile on her face. "You two should stay for dinner. Then I'll let you two go home after a long flight." She says and I smile, nodding. We stay for dinner and we talk about all of the plans and arrangments that we'll have to make.

When we leave my mums house, we walk toward my place and Hero and I are silent. When we're about 10 minutes way, Hero stops me and doesn't say a word, neither do I, we just stare at each other. He leans down slowly, brings his hand to my chin to tilt my head up, and he kisses me slowly when our lips do finally touch. He pulls away much to soon and puts his forehead against mine.

"I love you, Josephine. You have no idea how much I love you." He says and I open my eyes to look at him while our foreheads are still touching. I pull away and place my hands on his chest. "I do know how much you love. And I love you so much." I say and he smiles a little smile. I lean up and kiss him tenderly. I pull away and take his hand in mine, pulling him back to my place because I am very tired and ready to sleep. When we make it back, we both change and lay down, falling fast asleep in each others arms.

When I wake up the next morning, Hero isn't in bed next to me. His side of the bed is cold so he's be up for a while. I yawn and stand up, walking out of the room and into the kitchen to find Hero. When I look around the kitchen, not finding him but seeing a note that he left on the counter.

'Had to run and grab a few things. I'll be back soon, love you Jo. -H' It says and I sigh, stalking back into the bedroom. I walk over to the bed, laying back down into the warmth that the duvet brings me, and I drift back off to sleep.


Hero's POV

I walk around the small building, looking at all of the expensive rings that they have. I've been here for the past 2 hours, looking for the perfect ring. I woke up at 7:00 and Jo was still asleep so I thought that this would be the perfect time to slip away and find a ring. I've looked in 2 different jewerly stores and I still haven't found the perfect ring.

I'll know when I find it, I'll know when I see the perfect ring for her. I'm glancing at everything that is in cases and I still don't find the perfect ring. I'm walking beside the last bit of cases that I haven't looked at yet, taking in all of the beautiful peices. One ring catches my eye, and I stop, turning my body to face it, taking a better look.

It's a rose gold ring with two bands that support many small diamonds and then a square cut that is held in a sideways angle. It's so beautiful, it's the perfect ring. I walk over to the man at the desk, telling him which ring I want.

"So, who is the lucky lady?" He asks and I smile at the mention of my love. "Josephine." I say and he smiles. "That's a beautiful name." He says and I smile wider, looking down. "A beautiful name for a beautiful woman." I say and he smiles at me. "How are you going to ask her?" He asks and I sigh, I haven't actually figured it out yet but I plan to ask her tonight.

"I'm not sure. I was planning to do it tonight over dinner." I say and he nods with a small smile. "May I see a picture of her?" He asks and I nod. I pull out my phone and find one of the many perfect pictures I have of her. It's a black and white picture that I took of her while she was just waking up. Her face is trying to hide her smile. I turn the phone around for him to see and his smile grows.

"She's very beautiful." He says and I nod, turning my phone off, slipping it back into my pocket. "I'm a lucky man to have her." I say and he smiles. "Your total today will be $3,247 today." He says and I nod, pulling out my card and handing it to him. The little computer dings saying that the transaction went through. He hands me the small bag with the ring in it.

Everything I Wanted (Book 2) (Major Editing)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu