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Taehyung was sitting in a room, more precisely in his best friend's aka Jimin's room.

Yoongi and Jimin managed to sneak him out of there. He was asleep during the time which is the reson he didn't knew what was happening.

Which brings him here. Lost deep in his thoughts.

He's suppose to be happy right? That person fucking stalked him for months. But then.... Why does he wishes to go back?

Suddenly his room's door opened as Yoongi entered. Taehyung didn't noticed his presence until he felt him sitting beside him.

"Oh hey"

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"Oh hey"


"Some problems kid?" Yoongi asked, laying back on the bed casually while Taehyung just looked lost.


"You're not sure if you should leave Jungkook or not. Right?"

Taehyung looked at him with wide eyes, thinking the exact same thing, making Yoongi chuckle.

"Just telling from experience"

"W-what experience"

"You know, it wasn't like I laid my eyes on Jimin and immediately kidnapped him and started dating him"


"I laid eyes on him, decided to leave him not wanting to bring him in 'that' life with killing and all. So"

Yoongi said before sitting up.

"i kidnapped him, stayed with him for a while, fucked him and we started dating"

Taehyung giggled at that. Somewhat the same thing happened with him and Jungkook, just in a slightly different way.

"It wasn't like he didn't tried running away. He did. 4 times. But instead, he returned himself the 4th time. Like he chose this life himself and only after that we started dating."

Yoongi said before standing up, making his way towards the door.

"That just made me relieved that at least I won't need to force things on him. So It's on you. If you don't return, Jungkook might give up on you at some point. Well maybe not. I don't exactly know. But if you return, your life might get better, or maybe even worse. It's upto you"

He said throwing the car keys towards Taehyung who catched it pretty easily. Yoongi winked at him before skipping his way towards Jimin.

Taehyung stared at the car keys for a while.

'Returning there might turn things worse or better. Same goes if I stayed here. It's upto me what I choose.'

Suddenly, the image from the dream he was having earlier flashed through his mind.

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