Father and son

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Lagos Island

Godzilla woke up with Junior under his arm still sleeping, yawning and looking out over the sunrise.

Godzilla: Junior? Time to wake up

Junior opens his blue eyes and happily walks up to Godzilla

Jr: What are we doing today, daddy?

Godzilla: I'm teaching you how to hunt, a Titan must always be on guard and get their pray without fail.

Jr: okay, daddy!

Godzilla: now go! Go hunt!

Junior attempted to walk towards the water and try to swim but when he got nearly five feet deep he scampered back to Godzilla.

Jr: daddy, how do you do it? Please tell me I'm scared

Godzilla: what? Well, hunting is easy, all you gotta do is swim, it's easy! Now go son! Do it!

Junior attempted to swim a second time but sank to the bottom, it took perhaps 5 minutes for Godzilla to be concerned

Godzilla: *goes into the ocean and searches* Jr?..Jr?? *sees Junior trying to swim upwards but can't swims over* Jr? can you not swim up?

Jr: *constantly flaps his arms, legs and tail* no, i don't know how!

Godzilla: *grabs him* first, move your legs back and forth, one leg forward, one leg backwards also at the same time, move your tail slowly left and right.

Jr listened carefully to his father's instructions and tried, but it was still no use, his body was still undeveloped to swim, heck his teeth were pretty much dull. He needed to wait until Jr's body had grown a  little, so Godzilla lifted Junior up and swam back to the surface to the shore of the island.

Godzilla: i guess we can still try atomi-- *hears Mothra's cry* Jr! Go into the cave and hide!

Jr: dad wha-

Godzilla: now!

Jr immediately dashed into the cave as Mothra came, the Queen shimmered her wings and cooed seeing the King.

Mothra: Hello, my love *nuzzles*

Godzilla: hello, my Queen. How's Monster Island?

Mothra: Many Titans have made themselves at home there, Gamera, Rodan, Fuyu etc. I'd say we've entered a new Golden Age where humans and Titans can officially live in peace

Godzilla: well I wouldn't call it a "Golden Age" just yet. But still things are looking good. *Smiles*

Godzilla and Mothra softly nuzzled eachother and pressing their faces against eachother's

Mothra: see you later my love *happily flies away*

Godzilla: *in his mind* I'm not ready to show Junior to her or any of the Titans yet...I need to properly know how to be a father.

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